Who is the traitor ?!

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On the planet Mars after training all morning , Apotre Mars was suddenly set off for an urgent interplanetary meeting called by Apotre Luna and Apotre Sol , leaving his moons alone . So not to get bored , the Satelles Maurs twins spent an afternoon repairing and cleaning their weapons . Phobos was twisting his ax to make it sharp again , and Deimos was cleaning his giant hammer to make it shiny . Deimos seemed to be very concerned about something lately . Mars was too , and , it seems to have had slight agitations between all the Satelles Planetaes and the Solar Systems Apotres . But Phobos is the only Satelle who knew nothing about it . Unable to ask his master , Phobos then entrusts the question to his twin brother who knows more things than him .

Phobos : Hey , Deimos .

Deimos : What ?

Phobos : Why there agitations recently ?

Deimos : How did you know this ?! It's because two of us made an betrayal !

Phobos : Betrayal ?! Who !?

Deimos : This traitor is Ganymede , and the other traitor I do not yet know who . According to what Europa had told me recently , something would have happened between Ganymede and his master . Before escaping , Ganymede behaved strangely and restless , and often tried to avoid his own master for reasons neither of us know what really happened . Ganymede often spoke of the idea of running away from our organization ... and of course , we all the hadn't taken him seriously . He wasn't the only one , another Satelle wanted to escape too . The duo had planned a plan , and then the next week , they had executed their escape plan . They rebelled against their respective master and fled . But only , Ganymede had managed to escape . But the other , had not had luck , his master had finally caught up with him and brought back to his planet . I don't know what happened to him afterwards . But for Ganymede , he took refuge somewhere on Earth , and the other Iuppiter Satelles are still looking for him because if Ganymede joins alongside the Thea Sisters , he will reveal all our secrets and the secrets of the solar system . That's why we must found him before he goes to Mouseford Academy .

Phobos : What a story !

Apotre Mars has returned to the red planet .

Mars : Deimos , Phobos , you have a mission . You go to Mouseford Academy .

Phobos/Deimos : Yes , master !

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