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Suddenly , the bulb of one of the spotlights that lit the scene exploded . Someone had thrown a brick . The Thea Sisters , Dina , Tanya , Shen , Vic , Craig and the teachers would hear giggles , laughter comes behind Paulina and Craig . It was the Russo twins and it was Alessandro who threw the brick .

Alessandro/Alessio : Hello !!

Rosalyn : Russo ?! How did you been here without we've seen you ?!

Alessio/Alessendro : We were just arrived !

Alessandro and Alessio changed into Deimos and Phobos . All this time , Phobos and Deimos were dressed in the clothes of the normal people of Earth .

Vic : I knew it !

Phobos/Deimos : He , he , he , he !

The twins Satelles Maurs rushed to the teachers and they made them extract their Stones Sacred . Lepidolite , Morganite and Kunzite .

Colette : Professor Aria !

Violet : Professor Pli !

Tanya : Professor Show !

Craig turned to his comrades .

Craig : Guys ! Did you planned this again ?!

Vic : No ! We didn't !

Shen : Please trust us !

Colette : You two ! I remember you ! You were with Apotre Mars and Apotre Venus , right ?!

Phobos : Code name : MI P ! I'm Phobos !

Deimos : Code name : MII D ! I'm Deimos !

Phobos/Deimos : We are the Satelles Maurs ! Alessio and Alessandro Russo were our earthly name ! First , we live in Frascati ! And Apotre Mars chose us to become his moons !

Paulina was very surprised to hear these names and the name of the place where they lived before being Satelles Planetaes .

Paulina : Alessandro...and Alessio Russo...Frascati... I have the impression of having already heard somewhere !

Two black balls appear on the free leg . of Phobos . Only one on that of Deimos .

Deimos/Phobos : Come here , Daimons !!

Phobos and Deimos summoned three Daimons . The monsters look exactly like the Wizard of Oz characters that accompanied Dorothy , the Lion, the Scarecrow, and the Tin Man , but much more hideous .

Paulina : Girls , let's transform !

The Thea Sisters were quick to pull out their magic pen , and Tanya and Dina at them . brooch that they always had on them in case of enemy attacks .

Girls : YES !

Thea Sisters : Thea Sisters ! Let's go !

Tanya : Liouli Spring ! Bloom !

Dina : Flying Heavenly Power !

The girls all transform together .

Jolie : Chic and Romantique like Europe , I'm Jolie Colette !

Dynamic : The force of Africa , I'm Dynamic Pamela !

Glitter : Thw wealth of America , I'm Glitter Paulina !

Hyper : The greenish nature of Oceania , I'm Hyper Nicky !

Harmonia : The wisdom of Asia , I'm Harmonia Violet !

Thea Sisters : More than friends , sisters ! We are the Thea Sisters !

Liouli : The nature who feeds and health for animals and peoples , I'm Liouli Spring !

Skyla : The guardian angel and the messenger who blows the celestial trumpet in the sky , I'm Skyla Tyr !

After seeing the girls transform in front of his eyes , Craig again turned to Vic and Shen .

Craig : Guys ?

Shen : Vic..

Vic : I guess there now enought trust between us....

Vic turned to Craig .

Vic : Brightman , please , don't tell anybody if you see this .

Vic rolled down his jacket sleeve and took out his Emerald .

Vic : Let's transform too , Shen .

Shen took out his White Fluorite .

Shen : Okay .

Vic : Guardian Spirit North ! Awakening !

Vic transforms .

Shen : Guardian Spirit East ! Awakening !

Shen is the second to transform .

Norden : The guardian of north and earth , Cardinal Norden !

Osten : The guardian of east and wind , Cardinal Osten !

Craig : What..?

TSFS ep10- The guardian of the south and fire , Cardinal Suden !Where stories live. Discover now