A fair challenge

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Tanya , Dina and the Thea Sisters immediately wanted to know more about the story of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz . Paulina busied herself with her laptop which she never separated and , after a few minutes , reported to her friends gathered around her .

Paulina : Dorothy is the leading character , but she has many friends , as well as some enemies .

Nicky : The Wicked of the West ! My grandmother read me a chapter of the book every night before I went to sleep .

Paulina : I would read it often to my little sister , Maria . Dorothy reminds me so much of her .

Violet : Dorothy would be a great role to play . But it would be fun if we could each play a role .

Pamela : I'm not sure if I want to be onstage . Professor Show was talking to me about doing lighting and set design for the play , and I think I'd like to try that .

Colette : You'll be great ! I'm thinking I might stay the scenes , too . I wouldn't want to play the wicked Witch !

Paulina : Ha , ha , ha ! Colette , i can't imagine you in that role !

Nicky : You'd have to wear a long , red wig cover your blond hair . Plus a black pointy hat , black robes , and green striped sockes !

Colette : Definitely not fashion forward !

Tanya : Wow , Nicky ! Is that's how you see the wicked witch ?

Nicky : Yeah ! The witch was scary , but those were my favorite parts .

Vanilla : Here you are . I've beem looking for you !

The girls turned in a single movement to find Vanilla walking towards them . She wore a branded outfit , embellished with an elegant pointed felt-tip hat styling her flamboyant hair . Nicky's imaginary character suddenly seemed to come true . Vanilla stopped in front of the seven friends and held out her paw with a determined air .

Vanilla : Last time there was a show , we all wanted to play Juliet in Romeo and Juliet . And now we all want the role of Dorothy . But I promise , there will bo no tricks this time around . May the best of us win !

The mouselets looked at each other quickly . Even Zoe and Alicia looked surprised . Paulina stepped forward and squeezed Vanilla's paw .

Paulina : I'm happy to hear that , de Vissen . It will be a fair challenge .

Vanilla : I am the best singer and dancer in the academy . I don't need any tricks to win the lead this time !

With that , left on her side , head held high , persuaded to get the lead role without having to plan any trouble . Suddenly her cell phone rang , it was her mother , Vissia de Vissen .

Vanilla : Hi , mother .

Vissia : I heard about the show ! It's a great opportunity for you to show off your talents . I have already contacted some famouse journalists to interview you on opening night . But you must get that leading role !

Vanilla : Don't worry , it's a sure thing this time .

Vissia : It had be ! I've already told all of my friends that you've got the lead part in the show , and I don't want to look foolish ! Take care of your rivals so that nothing can go wrong ! You understand ?!

Vanilla : *sight*

Vanilla had really wanted to play fair this time . But when her mother put pressure on her , it was hard to say no .

Vanilla : Okay , mother . I'll handle it !

The last to leave the auditorium were the boys . Shen kept getting excited about the show .

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