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Jolie : What was your motivation for coming here ? To spy on us ?!

Phobos : This is not our main goal ! But we are looking for one of our comrades who betrayed us....

Deimos : ...We think he is here at this school ! But he is not here yet !

Jolie : 《 What ? An SSA traitor ... is among us ? Who is he ? And where he is ?》

Phobos/Deimos : Let's have fun together !

Jolie : 《 We have to find it too !》

The three Daimons rushed forward , the girls too . Jolie and Hyper against the Scarecrow Daimon. Harmonia and Liouli against the Tin Man Daimon . Dynamic and Glitter vs. Daimon Lion . While Norden and Osten faced off against the Satelles Maurs . While Craig couldn't do anything but watch his friends brawl . The fight between the boys stops abruptly for a short time . Phobos hit Osten with all his might to push him for a moment .

Phobos : Pin the Thea Sisters with yours straws , Scarecrow Daimon !

Straws that protrude from the Daimon Scarecrow's sleeves mutlipient , ready to shoot , he aimed at the Thea Sisters . He pulled on the five friends , the straws nailed their costumes . Jolie , Glitter and Harmonia are grounded .

Jolie : Eeek !

Harmonia : I can't move !

While Dynamic and Hyper found themselves against the wall .

Dynamic : What the hell ?!

Phobos rushes towards them .

Phobos : Have a sweet nightmare , Thea Sisters ! Somnus Phobia !

The young man plunged the Thea Sisters into deep sleep .

Liouli/Skyla : Girls !

Osten : What did you do to them !?

Osten rushes at Phobos , but the enemy , with his symbol on his back , takes control of Cardinal Osten's body . He couldn't move anymore . The Satelle gives him a strong kick , Osten was thrown right at the foot of the stage .

Craig : Shen !

The Tin Man Daimon , who has become a sort of robot , untied his right hand . The right hand is thrown above Liouli and Skyla , the hand changed to form a hexagonal cylinder and which imprisoned the two friends . Inside .

Skyla : What is that ?!

Then the air becomes humid . The humidity slowly increases , Skyla and Liouli began to get hot .

Norden : This is not good ! Quick Sand !

The ground turns to quicksand , the three Daimons find themselves trapped . But not the Satelles Maurs who manage to avoid . The two brothers disappear . Alone against them is to risk . Norden looks around to find them . Suddenly Deimos reappeared behind him .

Craig : Behind you , Vic !

Norden : Damned !

Norden tries to hit him but his opponent disappears again before his eyes . Still behind is Phobos . Norden receives a blow to the leg which causes him to fall to the ground , then the enemy has once again disappeared . The twins reunite a few feet from Craig , their next victim .

Phobos : Hello , Craig Brightman . We said that we'll see it what you going to do .

Deimos : Let's finish him !

The two young men used their evil powers .

Osten : Craig !

Osten realized that he had injured his foot . Norden decides to act , he gets up and rushes forward . At the same time , the Satelles Maurs were firing .

Norden : Noo !

Their attack goes straight on Craig , he closes his eyes tightly .

TSFS ep10- The guardian of the south and fire , Cardinal Suden !Where stories live. Discover now