Nicky takes tumble

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The next day , the students selected for the acting audition gathered in the dance class . A slight agitation reigned among the competitors , busy warming up before the audition . Among the students , Alessio is there too and he listens any conversation and Nicky and Paulina .

Nicky : Do you think Brightman will come ?

Paulina : I don't know , but i don't see him . Maybe he's with de Vissen or Morson .

Nicky : But , de Vissen is right here .

The two friends see Vic alone at the back of the dance hall .

Paulina : Let's ask him .

In their corner , Vanilla and her friends were plotting .

Vanilla : We will definitely slay this dance audition , but we still need to make sure Bernaldez and Adrianson get eliminated . And I know just how to do it .

She took a sparkly pot with Vissen's mark from her bag .

Vanilla : My mother invented this cream . It's a moisturizing paw cream , and it's super greasy . So all we have to do is smear some on Bernaldez's and Adrianson's dance shoes and they'll fall flat on their face .

Alicia and Zoe nodded . Taking advantage of the general ferability , they approached Nicky and Paulina's bags , while the two friends , unaware of the danger , discussed with Vic .

Paulina : Hey , de Vissen . Is Brightman coming ?

Vic : I tried to convince him...

Nicky : And ?

Vic : He wouldn't come , because he won't do the singing audition anyway .

Nicky : What ?! There has to be some way we can help him with his singing !

Paulina : Mmh...If i am him...I would say '' It's easier to help someone else than to be helped . ''

Vic stared at her .

Vic : You gave me a great idea .

He rushed .

Paulina : Where you going ?

Vic : I'll be right back !

Vic runs out of the room looking for Craig .

Vic : I'll just tell him that I need his help with my audition . Knowing him , he won't say no !

Soon after , Vanilla and her friends passed the audition , thanks to one of their usual synchronized , repetitive but impeccable choreographies . When it was her turn , Paulina put her music , a sweet Peruvian ballad that she listened to as a child , with her mother alive at the time , and little sister Maria .

Vanilla : Bernaldez , you forgot your ballet shoes !

Paulina : Thanks , but I don't need them !

She had imagined sequences to be performed barefoot . Vanilla was fuming . Paulina's movements in the room formed like a wide wave in changing tones , which fascinated the spectators . When the soundtrack stopped , the Professor Pli greeted her performance with a long applause .

Rosalyn : Nice , Bernaldez ! You pass ! Next !

Then Vic entered the scene , dragging behind him , Craig . But no sooner had he heard the first notes of his favorite song than he let himself be carried away by the rhythm , and the two rodents danced with great energy . At the end of their perfomance , Rosalyn congratulated them as well .

Rosalyn : Great energy ! You both pass !

Craig : Thanks , but this is the end of auditions for me . I'm not going to sing !

Immediately afterwards Craig left the room , Vic followed him .

Rosalyn : All right , Adrianson , it's your turn !

Nicky : Okay !

Full of nervousness , Nicky put on her red ballerinas , while the first chords of her music resounded . She wanted to run to the center of the room , but the superfatty Vanilla cream had produced the desired effect . Before she could even dance , Nicky was on the floor and the other students laughed at her , including Alessio . Immediately , Paulina and the professor rushed to her .

Paulina : Nicky , are you okay ?

Nicky : I think I twisted my ankle !

Rosalyn : Adrianson , I'm sorry , but I can't let you audition .

Nicky : *sight disappointed*

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