My Milkshake Brings All the...

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I wake up relatively early. I look at my phone, its a bit before 9. I head downstairs and see my mom and dad just finishing breakfast.

"Hey sweetpea," my dad says giving me kiss on the cheek as he gets up to clear his cereal bowl.

"Hi daddio." I take his stool at the kitchen counter and grab a few slices of the melon my mom is cutting up. "Can you hand me a yogurt, mom?"

My mom slides a strawberry yogurt to me, "So, Vi, dad and I are going to spend a couple nights in Boston. Thought we'd make this work trip double as a little get-a-way. Plus Auntie Kate is in town, I haven't seen her in forever so I thought we could get dinner."

Auntie Kate, is my mom's best friend, she moved from Mass to California a few years ago so it's rare they see each other.

"Two nights?! What am I going to do, who will feed me?? What if there is a burglar? A fire? I don't know, this doesn't sound very thought out to me!"

My mom and dad exchange worried looks.

"Guys, come on, I'm kidding." I laugh, "go have fun, tell auntie Kate I say hello. Maybe I'll ask Ella to come stay."

I finish my breakfast as my parents get ready to leave.

"Alright Violet, make sure you take your keys when you leave. Set the alarm. Mrs. Robinson next door has a spare key just in case." My mom is going over this ridiculous checklist in her head. "Oh don't forget to feed and walk Freddy," our french bulldog. "Oh! the hydrangeas!! If it looks dry out there water them."

"Dear lord, mother! The damn hydrangeas will be fine. Go, goodbye. I love you" I kiss both my parents goodbye and head back upstairs to get changed for the beach.


'Ding-Ding' I pick up my phone and my breath catches, 'Damon is typing...' Well, that's new. I think.

'Ding-Ding', 'new snap from Damon'. I pick it up and open the snap, 'what? no good morning? :('

I laugh and type back, 'morning'.

I'm really going to play this cool. Besides, I shouldn't be falling for his charm. Bad boy, remember? Not falling, not falling, not...'Ding-Ding', falling.

'Whatcha doin' today?'

'I'm about to head to the beach and then work.'

'ugh beach, so overrated. Maybe I'll ask Gunther if I can handle your "training" tonight ;)'

'YOU don't need to "handle" anything.'

He sends me back a laughing face and I leave him on open. I mean, I don't want him getting his hopes up.


I get to the beach and lay out my towel. I see a couple of girls from school and wave hello. I'm about to lay down when I see Matty Parker come strolling by with a few other guys from the soccer team.

"Violet, hey!"

"Oh hey Matty" I try not to let the fact that I really just wanted to tan and be antisocial show on my face.

"Violet this is, Greg, Mike, Patrick, and you know Chad."

"Boys" I say and give them a wave.

Patrick steps a bit closer, "damn Violet, I always admired your ass in Physics class, but in that fucking bikini. Shit, you're hot. Care to take a walk, my house is just over there."

"What the fuck, Patrick" Matty spits out at him.

"Matty it's fine, Patrick can enjoy the view, because that is all he will be getting. Run along boys." The other guys jab Patrick in the ribs and start laughing. I pop my AirPods in and lay face down on my towel.

The boys start walking away, unfortunately, I don't turn my music on fast enough and I overhear Patrick say, "I'm so going to think about fucking that sweet ass later." Such a pig.

I bake for awhile in the sun before deciding to cool off briefly in the water. I walk up to the waves gently lapping the sand and dip my toes in. A shiver travels from my toes to the top of my head. It's still early June and this water is so cold. I'm just about to suck it up and dive in when Matty comes up beside me.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Are you sure you want to do that, it is fucking freezing!" I laugh.

"Guess we'll just have to stay close and keep each other warm," Matty says with a wink, whips his t-shirt off and dives in.

Well, damn. I have to hand it to him, that was pretty smooth. I pause for the briefest moment to appreciate his body, I was correct, that soccer did him right. I almost wish I could find myself sexually attracted to him, but it's just not there. I shrug and jump in behind him.

I come up to the surface, it's so cold I can practically feel my lips turn blue. I look around, "Matty?" That's odd, where did he go? "Matty?"

"Boo!" He says into my neck.

I jump around and splash him. "Not cool Matt, I thought you ditched me." I cross my arms and stick my lower lip out, pretending to pout.

Matty grabs me and throws me over his shoulder, "never!" He laughs dives back into the water dragging me down too.

We surface, laughing, and far too close. Matty stops laughing and reaches towards my face. Slightly startled I instinctively back up.

"Ha, sorry, it's just you have a bit of seaweed stuck in your hair." He pulls the seaweed from my hair and then combs his other had through his hair. "Violet, I really--umm, yeah--" Matty leans forward and crashes his lips into mine.

I stumble back a bit and his arm catches my waist as he presses his lips harder against mine. I don't immediately pull away, but I don't exactly kiss him back either. I'm slightly grateful when his band of idiot friends purposefully jump into the water right near us. I pull away and see Matt grinning from ear to ear.

"Ohhhh so that's why the little princess didn't want to get up on my dick, she's got a thing for little Matty" Patrick says as he tosses a volleyball into the back of Matty's head.

"Seriously, shut the fuck up Patrick." Matty says exasperated.

I start to head to the shore, "I'm officially frozen, plus I gotta get going. I have to work tonight."

I'm quickly packing my things in my bag when Matty runs up to me and grabs my hips. He spins me around and leans into my face.

"That was something. I've thought about kissing you since you walked into homeroom in October."

I take a step back and smile, "that's super sweet Matty. Umm, thank you. Sorry, I really have to go. Totally forgot that I have to walk the dog before I leave for my shift tonight."

Matty grabs my hand, "can I FaceTime you tonight?"

I look down and tuck a piece of hair behind my ear before looking back up at him. "Yeah, sure, of course. Why don't you put your number in my phone and I'll text you mine later. I'm closing tonight, so it might be late"

Matty takes my phone, "yeah totally cool, whenever you get home. I'll be up." He puts his number in and hands it back to me.

"Have a good night Violet, I'll talk to you later." He reaches out and runs his thumb along my jawline before turning and running triumphantly back into the water and to his friends. Chad slaps him on the back like a proud dad and I can't help but laugh.

"Fuck," I sigh, "what did I just do?"


A/N Awe little Matty, bless his heart. Who has ever received the surprising smash into you kiss? Also, if you're liking what you're reading, I'd love you tons if you click that little star :)

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