Chapter 11.5

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When Hermione returned to Harry's side the next morning, he was still fast asleep. Having nothing else to do, she pulled out her notebook and decided that she might as well put her list on to paper.

Potential Threats that May Cause Harry Harm

1. Voldemort and his followers

a) Level of Harm: Silencing, Maiming, and Killing Harry

b) Dealing with the Threat: Convince the Wizarding World he's back so they can deal with him more efficiently instead of relying on a child to save the day. Keep practicing defensive and offensive spells. Remember that Death Eaters deserve no mercy.

2. The Dursleys

a) Level of Harm: Damaging Harry's mental and physical health

b) Dealing with the Threat: Until Harry can be safely taken away from there, follow Plan A with Sirius. Don't leave Harry alone: exchange phone numbers and addresses. Find a way to commute there, expensive cab fares be damned.

3. Cornelius Fudge and the Ministry

a) Level of Harm: Legally capable of limiting Harry's rights. Depending on Fudge's ability to sway the Ministry to his side, could sway the Wizarding World to view Harry as a liar. Harmful to both Harry's mental health and plan to prepare the Wizarding World for Voldemort (see 1.b).

b) Dealing with the Threat: Capitalize on the divide in the Ministry shown by Amelia Bones. Assist the side that believes in Harry and lower Fudge's influence. Utilize Rita Skeeter.

4. Draco Malfoy

a) Level of Harm: Holds personal grudge against Harry for his father's death. Weak, but unpredictable and volatile depending on the help he receives from Death Eaters. Dangerous due to near and frequent contact within school walls. Is already inside Hogwarts Defenses: could potentially serve as a mole or point of entry for other Death Eaters.

b) Dealing with the Threat: Watch him for any suspicious movements. Keep note of places he frequents and times he disappears. If suspicious action confirmed, alert trustworthy authorities. Remember that Death Eaters In Training deserve no mercy (see 1.b).

5. Albus Dumbledore

a) Level of Harm: Unconfirmed if due to misguided or manipulative intentions. Responsible for child negligence (see 2.a). Holds many secrets. Has shown a pattern of keeping Harry ignorant through ten years of no contact and encouraging me to do the same this summer. If the pattern continues, results may be disastrous.

b) Dealing with the Threat: Do not trust him to keep Harry's happiness in life a priority: Plan A with Sirius will be carried out without his knowledge and Plan B will be carried out if he protests. Demand clear, precise answers; if denied, do not be content to stay in the dark and search for them yourself.

"What are you writing?"

Hermione jumped, startled out of her thoughts, and found Harry wide awake and giving her an amused smile.

"Harry! You should have told me you were awake!" She couldn't help but scold him.

"And break your concentration? I may be taking potions for my mental health, but I haven't gone mad yet." At her huffing that it was too early to make jokes like that, he chuckled. "Besides, I like watching you."

Hermione brushed a strand of her hair back self consciously, not knowing how to respond to that revelation and hastily blurted out: "I was making a list."


"People who could hurt you. It's always smart planning to know your potential enemies in advance."

"What? It hasn't even been a full day!" He looked at her in astonishment and then began laughing for real this time.

"I don't see what's so funny here," she sniffed haughtily, but was secretly glad that he was feeling well enough today to joke around.

"Nothing," he wiped tears from his eyes and gave her a lopsided smile. "I was just thinking how lucky I am to have you as my friend. What would I ever do without you, Hermione Granger?"

The question made her pause.

Harry had changed this year, always going out of his way to thank her for little things that he wouldn't have batted an eye at before or spouting off lines like: "You mean the world to me, Hermione" or "You will never be second best in my life. Not now, not ever." She really didn't know what to do with him when he looked at her with those large, sincere eyes; it was almost too much for a girl to handle.

And at the same time, she wondered if he knew what he meant to her.

What would she have done without Harry Potter in her life?

She didn't want to consider it even for a second.

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