Author's Note + Future Plans

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And we've finally reached the end! But don't worry, there are still more chapters with "extras" and an "alternative ending" to come. Thanks everyone for the love you've given the story!

It feels a little surreal to me...this story has grown so close to my heart. I've had quite a few people ask if this will be continued to fifth year and beyond. The answer is that as of now Awakening works as a standalone fourth year story, but I do have ideas for fifth year. A sequel or continuation will depend on my writing muse (which at the moment is running dry, so it might take a while....)

For those of you who wanted a more romantic resolution to Harry and Hermione getting together, keep an eye out for the Alternative ending to be posted later. 

If I do end up writing the sequel, I'm undecided if I'll mark this story as complete and start 5th year as a new story or just continue updating from here. Either way, I would ideally draft the whole year before I start posting again. Since many have requested this, on the chance that I do post the sequel as a separate story, I will make a chapter update to let you all know.

In the meantime, I do hope to post a few more Harmony short stories and oneshots so follow this account to look out for that! 

Thank you to the HMS Harmony Discord which re-ignited my love for HHr and is the reason I started writing this story in the first place. If anyone ever wants to chat, I am always active on there and it's a wonderful place for like minded fans of Harry and Hermione.

Link to join the discord: 

Thank you to all the wonderful betas (Elwyn, tyrannicpuppy, trieshardtowrite, Halt CPM) for their help. Thank you to Arishatistic for making so many amazing works of art to go along with the words. Her art has brought this story to a whole other level and brought it to life in a way I could never have done alone. Our goal when we started posting Awakening was to fully illustrate a 4th year Harmony story and it was a struggle to do every chapter, but she really made it. And did an incredible job too!

Link to Arishatistic on Instagram:

Thank you to everyone who has commented and shown so much love for this story. It means the world to know what you all have to say and really gives me motivation to write more. I hope you have all enjoyed Harry and Hermione's journey in Awakening because I have very much enjoyed bringing it to you.

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