New Stories and Updates

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EDIT: Option #1 was chosen to publish first and is now up on my profile under the name "Ever After." You can read it here:

When I first updated Awakening on here during January 2021, I didn't expect it to get any traction really. I went a dozen chapters without any comments and votes, but one day it just took off. Now, almost a year later I still get hundreds of comments randomly and the oft remark, "please write the sequel!"

I have not been able to reply to everyone individually about this, but honestly speaking, I went through a rough patch this year and lost my desire to write. I'm just now trying to get back into it. Maybe if my writing muse returns, I'll end up writing more of  this story. Maybe I won't. 

But I do want to try writing more Harmony at some point. 

Right now, I already have "Home is Where the Heart Lies" (a post war, Adult harmony romance) published on wattpad, but there are still other stories and story ideas I have yet to post on here. 

Which one would you like to see on wattpad first?

1. A fairytale inspired story, set in canon, where Harry is rescued by Hermione from the Dursleys 

2. Ron trying to get his best friends together, a Ron & Trio Appreciation Humor Story

3. A story set during the horcrux hunt and then post war, featuring accidental pregnancy (NOTE: this has not been written at all yet, it's just an idea so far. If you choose this one, also choose between 1 and 2 since those are pretty much written already lol)

I'm hoping that getting back into publishing harmony short stories will help me get back into writing which will help me maybe get back into the Awakening universe again. Or at least back into Harry/Hermione stories. No promises, but we'll see. 

Again, thanks for all the support you guys have given this story. Each and every comment makes me smile and I appreciate it more than you know. 

All the best,


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