I ➪ Busy

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"Let loose on the drinks will ya?"
Haruki elbowed you.

Slouching into one of the karaoke chairs, you titled your chin away from the shot glass.

"I told you I got a job interview tomorrow."
you warned, nudging the girl's arm away.

Haruki chuckled, clicking her tongue in distaste. You had a pretty good idea of what she was bound to say next:
"Dang, what a good kid. Imagine!"

Haruki was a senior you ran into in your college campus, long before she graduated.

As a bonus:

You were about to graduate too!

Till then, you wanted to find an internship or part-time job. Even if it was minimum wage.

🎶"Oh dear diary I met a boyy~"🎶

The tone-deaf sound of Emiko and Fuji, the stupid romantic couple of the friend group, was enough to make your head spin.
Though finding a job was stressing you out more than their singing ever could.

Unfortunately, for a person like you, with little to no previous work experience...

finding a job was quite hard.

🎶"He made my dull heart light u-"🎶

Haruki suddenly stood up, she swayed left to right, almost falling face first into the table full of drinks.
The alcohol had finally gotten to her.

"Aaaand that'll be enough."
you signaled Emiko to turn off the karaoke.
Grabbing Haruki's arm, you held her upwards.

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