V ➪ Deja vu

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"Deja vu"


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Conference rooms gave you anxiety.

Being in one because of an alleged affair, was possibly the most anxiety inducing thing you'd ever experienced.

Akaashi looked fed-up, but the grimace on Tenma's face remained; he was enjoying this.

To be fair, who wouldn't?
Kyo used to tell you how one of the biggest things he'd learnt about the media industry was that affairs were one of the most popular topics in newspapers/magazines.

"Udai-san, with all due respect, I have work I need to tend to so-" Akaashi was cut off.

Tenma silenced him by placing his index finger up against his bottom lip. "I'm your superior correct?" he asked in a low voice.

"Pardon?" Akaashi asked.

"What's confusing?"

"No you're not my superior, you're my colleague. We assist each other with work not take orders from one another."
Akaashi replied.

Your palms were sweaty and the tension in the room was only rising.
"Udai-san..." you started.
"Not a word out of you (y/n), I knew there was something fishy about you ever since that damn pharmacy!"
he shouted out, sliding his seat outwards.

You blinked slowly, then fired back.
Your fists hit the desk, startling Akaashi as he quickly scooted his chair away.

"i didn't ask for your pity money at that pharmacy, and good deeds are not supposed to be paid back!" you exclaimed.

Tenma scoffed, throwing his head full of messy hair backwards. "IM BROKE. THAT GOOD DEED SHOULD'VE BEEN REWARDED."

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