II ➪ Trouble

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A coffee-shop interview was not what you were expecting.

"If you're here for job-interviews it won't be in the building ma'am." The man said sternly.

He had his arms crossed on the front counter, you weren't even allowed entrance into Shonen Jump.

Kinda expected.

"So the coffee shop down the street?"
you ask, checking your wrist-watch.

He nodded once more, ushering you to quickly exit the building. Siting deeply, you felt an uneasy pit form in your stomach.
"It's only an internship you'll be fine."

Reassuring you that an interviewer would be present once you arrived, you gulped hard as you rushed down the street, speeding past a traffic light. A car honked impatiently as you leaped back onto the sidewalk, reaching for the café's front door.

Just as you touched the knob, a hand fell against yours, someone must've been reaching for it at the same time.

Glancing sideways, your (e/c) eyes glistened as they recognized the figure looming over them.

"The man from earilier...with the pretty blue eyes." you thought to yourself, pulling away from the doorknob on instinct.

He blinked expectantly, then gave a little bow.
"Sorry about that ma'am."

His voice was a good type of deep, calm and delicate. Not a pinch of aggression nor rush.

Letting you go in first, he held the door open, lending his arm out to usher you to enter.

Stepping in rather cautiously, you found yourself stealing glances at the man. Observing the reading glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, his messy black hair, the elegant beige trench coat he wore, even the white wool scarf around his neck.

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