IV ➪ Crash

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The sheets were folded at an edge.

Unusual, since that's not how you folded them. Smacking your lips and yawning, you blinked slowly.

A sharp pain at the side of your head, had your crashing back into your pillow. A shuffling across your bedroom's carpet made you leap back up, ignoring the pain this time.

"Is someone in here with me?!"
you panicked, scanning the area in a daze.

There was a bookcase at the corner of your room, beside it was a reclining couch.

Which was USUALLY empty.

But this morning, a tall figure with a mess of black hair snoozed in the chair, his glasses folded in his lap and his trench coat draped over him like a warm blanket.

A panicked gasp almost left your lips, before you smacked your hands over your mouth.

"Akaashi-san?!" you wondered.

The events of last night slowly but surely flowed back into your brain, Kyo, the drink at the bar, forgetting your keys, the stop at the mailboxes, and finally, you passing out on his shoulder in the dead of night.

Groaning in embarrassment, you kind of wished he hadn't stayed the night.

At least then, you could pretend to be put together at work the next week. The hangover from last night was already weighing on you.
Expected since, you had taken more shots than your normal amount. Being out with Kyo usually meant breaking a couple rules.

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