III ➪ Reminisce

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The coffee mug was steamy.

Akaashi slipped into the empty seat next to you, observing as you pinched your nose bridge in exhaustion.

"Listen..." he hesitated. "You don't have to tell me what happened with you and Udai-san."

You nodded slowly.
"Good because I wasn't planning to."
chuckling as you answered.

Akaashi smiled slightly at your response, bringing his coffee cup to his lips. To say the least, the other employees ordered you to leave once Udai started making a scene. So here you where, sitting outside the shonen jump building with a cup of coffee.

Akaashi had continued the rest of the tour while disregarding the previous incident.
He was quite good at composing himself in difficult situations, almost as if he was used to being around difficult people.

The sunset reflected off your skin, the sound of cars honking and hurried footsteps were amplified since it was office hours. Everyone was beginning to head home. It had been a long day, and the cloudy weather made the 5pm sky look dark enough to be night.

"Thank you for everything Akaashi-san."
you said suddenly.

Akaashi blinked unexpectedly.
"Pardon?" He asked.

"Y'know the tour and things." you explained.

Taking another sip of coffee, he waved his arm dismissively.The cold air rose from his mouth as he exhaled deeply.

"Don't mention it."

Sighing in relief, you rested your forehead in your hand. At least you'd gotten the internship.But if you wanted to show up with no issues, you would have to pay back Udai. Only problem was, you were a broke college student.

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