Chapter 2: school, meeting new people

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I get to school and I park near the school, as Bella gets out of her truck and I do a dismount off my motorcycle, I walk into school and put my helmet in my locker then we go inside the school

"Hi You're Isabella swan and Christina Carson, the new girls" an Asian boy comes up to us

"She goes by Bella actually and I go by Chris " I tell him as I roll my eyes

"My bad, anyways I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place, anything you need tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on" he says

"I'm more of a suffer in silence type" Bella says

" I haven't dated since....." I realize what I'm about to say then I look down saddened

"Great for the paper you two are news front cover" Eric says

"No" I say sternly

"Hey.. chill no feature" he says
I leave

I go speed walking down the hall looking for my first class when I bump into someone, the force makes me stumble back a few steps, I look up from my schedule to see a blonde beauty standing in front of me

"I am sorry" I apologize to her

"It's alright, I'm Rosalie Hale" she says

"Christina Carson but you can call me Chris " I introduce myself to her as I shake her hand, her hand is freezing cold, but I shake it off

"Where are you headed" she asks

"Uh Calculus" I tell her quietly.

"I'm headed there too, come on" she offers which I follow

We get to Calculus and I can feel the stares and shock from all the students, I ignore it, and hands the teacher my blue slip to sign, I go sit next to Rosalie, looking at the lesson on the board realizing I learned this already, so I sat back in the chair, hearing students shout out answers to the problems ( wrong answers) I mutter out the correct answers.

After class I stand up and go to walk out,but Rosalie stops me

"Hey, do you want to come sit with me and my family at lunch?" She asks me

"sure" I say as I leave and go to my Biology class, I give the teacher the blue slip to sign then I go sit at the back of the class

"Hello" a tall short black haired guy sitting next to me says

"Hey" I say to him

"My name is Emmett Cullen, I believe you met my girlfriend Rosalie Hale " he says

"yea I did, nice to meet you I'm Christina Carson, you can call me Chris"I say quietly

As class goes on, again I don't pay much attention my mind goes back to the day I lost my brother

"Chris are you ok?" Someone shakes me out of my zoned out state as sparks of fire starts to appear and I take my hands off the table quickly and I blink my eyes a few times to clear my eyes because I know they are fiery tears, and I see its Emmett shaking me

"yea I'm fine, sorry" I say

As class ends I stand up and run out and meet up with Rosalie, she smiles as she sees me as we all go into the cafeteria everyone is staring at us as Emmett is with us as well

"What are you looking at losers can't normal people walk in without others staring?" I ask getting irritated

Everyone looks away, as we near the table where Rosalie s siblings are

"Chris this is Edward, Alice, Jasper, and I am guessing you met my boyfriend Emmett already and..." I cut her off

"Dean" I quietly say

He looks at me and is shocked to see me

"hey everyone my name is Christina, but you guys can call me Chris" I say as I sit down and wave at them

I look at Dean as I sit and then my eyes go all around the table as they land on jasper, I smile

I take my phone out and play a game as I am not hungry

"You're not eating" asks Edward

"No, I am not hungry and please stay out of my head" I say

Dean intensely stares at me and I stare at him not really in the mood

" Dean, I can leave if you have a problem" I say

Everyone looks at Dean and I as I start to get up and leave to go to my locker

Edward follows

"Hey you ok?" He asks me

"No and I really don't feel like talking about it with you, now get out of my way " I yell at him angry

His siblings are in the hallway listening and wide eyed that I yelled at Edward (poor golden boy)

I open my locker to get my notebook and a pencil out and I go to the library and sit at a table and begin to write I put my headphones on and listen to music as I write to stay in control of my powers

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