Chapter 10: Vampires, Really?

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"Sis we are vampires" says Dean

"Makes sense" I tell him

"wait, so you're not scared" asks Jasper I smirk using his own question

"Should I be?" I ask

"No" says jasper

"Then I am not afraid , but I do have questions " I say

"Ok ask away little sister" Dean says

"I'm older then you little brother" I smirk

"My questions are how did all of you turn" I ask

"Well you sort of know my story, what I didn't tell you was I was in the southern vampire wars along with your brother and we were riding our horses back from Galveston to make sure there wasn't extra stranglers and we came across three woman that were creating an army for territory, the women's names were Maria, Nettie , and Lucy , Maria bit me and Lucy bit your brother turning us, we trained their newborns , our gifts of being an empathetic and ur brother s empathetic abilities and his added abilities of being a Kitsune served them well and given the fact that they wouldn't let newborns live among the first year of this life or let newborns who found their mates or in ur case their kindred spirits they wouldn't be allowed to live either, we were both turned in 1863" Jasper says
"I was turned in the year of 1901, Carlisle our adopted father, found me in my room dying of the Spanish influenza and he bit me and my ability is to Read peoples minds, I can't read Bella's thoughts" says Edward

"I was turned in 1935, my brothers and I were hunting and I got mauled by a bear until Rosalie found me and took me to Carlisle there he bit me and I'm living happily " Emmett says

"I was turned in 1933, I was coming home late from visiting a friend and her son, and I saw my finance Royce King and a few of his friends getting drunk, there they gang raped me and left me for dead, until Carlisle found me , he smelled all the blood and turned me hoping I would be Edwards mate, but that wasn't the case so I searched until I found Emmett and things got better" Rosalie says

"I did go against Carlisle for a while I wanted to know what it felt like to hunt, until I looked a the men I killed and I saw I was a monster I was" says Edward again

"Edward those men were criminals and probably rapists you may have done the world a kindness by killing them " I tell him so he doesn't feel bad as I can feel his emotions

"I did kill Royce and his friends, but I showed up in my white wedding dress, I was a little theatrical" Rosalie says

"If you had not I would have, thank you for telling me " I tell them they nod

"Wait what do you guys eat?" I ask them

"We don't drink from humans, our family consider ourselves as vegetarians, because we all survive on the blood of animals, but it's never fully satisfying to us" Edward says smiling a bit

"Theres also things called blood singers, mates and apparently Kindred spirits " jasper says

"Bella is my blood singer, meaning when I met her all I wanted to do was suck her dry , so I decided to leave for Alaska after school and then I came back a week later once I got my hunger under control, that's when you told me to do something about Bella oh and she's also my mate" Edward says

"Rosie posey is my mate" says Emmett

"Ali cat is my Kindred spirit" says Dean
I realize that Alice is the only one that didn't tell me when she became a vampire

"She doesn't remember when she was turned or by who" says Edward I nod

"You're my mate " says Jasper to me and I smirk

"And you're my kindred spirit " I say

"What exactly is a kindred spirit ?" asks Alice

"Well a kindred spirit is like a soulmate and when you find yours all you want to do is be around him or her forever" dean and I both say looking at Alice and Jasper

"How would you like to go to our house tomorrow to meet Carlisle and Esme" asks Rosalie and Alice

"I would love to" I say

" I'll pick you up tomorrow " jasper says

"Why don't you all just stay here and we can go over together" I ask

"You sure sister" dean asks
I nod

"Ok " says an excited Emmett

I fall asleep on the couch as Edward, Emmett and Jasper plays video games and Rosalie and Alice read fashion magazines all night

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