Chapter 4: Alaska

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                So I was in history class with Jasper and Dean and today was a quiz , I put my name on the paper  I answered the questions on the paper as I finished I handed it in and went back to my table.

"Wow that was fast sister" Dean says

"Do you remember how dad used to take us to history museums" I ask him

"you cheated on every single one" he says

"I did not" I say

Jasper laughs at our banter

"You guys are funny, Dean why would  you ever want to leave her behind?" jasper asks

All of a sudden I felt that hole that was almost filled reopened and was about to tear I whimper

"Chris are you alright?" Dean asked

" yeah I'm fine" I say to him as I lay my head down on the table and wimper again

"Maybe you should go to the nurse" he says

"I said I'm fine Dean" I snap at him and the weather changes from raining to a storm, I close my eyes to calm down

"Sorry" I say as I clear my throat

"It is my fault sister" he says making me smile

As class ends, I go to Spanish which I have all the boys in and lays my head on the table

"What happened with the weather, first it was raining, then it turned to a storm then back to raining"Asked Edward and Emmett

"Don't bring it up you will just piss her off even more" says my brother

I breathe as I slowly lift my head to see a water bottle and French fries in front of me, I look over at dean

"You remembered" I asked smiling

"How could I forget" he says

I eat my fries and drink my water

"Again I apologize for earlier " I say

"No it was my fault, I shouldn't have said that" says jasper

After school we all go out to the parking lot and I go grab my helmet from inside Bella's truck then I go to my motorcycle and get on it

As I leave I see Edward getting in his Volvo then he leaves

I go home and go upstairs to my room and lay on my bed as I fall asleep
I dream of jasper

I get a text from Dean saying Edwards going to Alaska and he won't be back for a week, so be prepared

"Ugh Bella is going to ask a bunch of questions and wonder where he went" I text back as I sleep again

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