Chapter 9: spending time with Dean/training

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As I go to my closet I quickly change into my sports bra and leggings after I get done doing that I go downstairs to fill my sports bottle up with a protein shake and I go downstairs to my basement but before I do that I look at the cullens

"Does anyone want to come with me " I ask

"I'll come" says Dean and I roll my eyes

"Jasper " I ask

"Yeah sure " he says as he gets up and follows us

I go downstairs along with my brother and Jasper behind me and I do my chin ups first
I do 20 of those then I do 20 push ups then I train

I do a round off back spring tuck kick to a dummy that I have set up and he flies to the wall

"Impressive " says Dean I smirk

I throw ninja stars at a bullseye target and hits it every time on the wall and then I grab my bow and arrow and shoot the targets perfectly

"Wow really impressive " says jasper

"Thank you" I say

"Out of curiosity, how many times a day do you train?" Asks Rosalie as she's coming downstairs

"Depends on when I have school or when I'm not working or jogging" I say to her

"You jog, when?" Asks Dean

"I have to keep my stamina up, just in case the nogitsune shows up here, so yes I jog and mostly at night, it is when i can think more clearly" I say

"Nice, but you have to be careful at night please" asks my brother

"I am always careful brother" I say grabbing a drink

Dean trains

"Next i train with my powers " I tell the group that's now downstairs

"Cool " says Emmett

Dean does a round off back kick and sends the dummy flying I smirk

"Woah no way you're that strong dude" Emmett says

"Kitsune s are very strong Emmett even in training we just choose not to use our full strength in fighting " I tell him

"Why" he ask

"If we do we get tired if we don't train plus humans will start to think they are stronger then us, no mere human can beat us" says my brother

"He has a point " I say

I train with my powers

I begin with my empathetic powers and I feel every emotion in the room and every emotion I feel is Impressed except for my brother so I look at Dean and I raise an eyebrow

"What?" He asks

"I can feel your emotions and they aren't impressed like the others" I say to him

Everyone looks wide eyed at me then to jasper

"Kitsune s are also empathetic, I am a copycat" I say

I keep training after saying that and everyone is rather impressed with the stamina I have

"I go running at night usually it is because I am rather unable to sleep and alert at night" I tell everyone as I hit a dummy full force

"You should really be careful at night Darlin'" says jasper

"I'm always careful, after what happened to me when I was fourteen I have to be " I say

"What happened sister" questions dean

"Well I was coming home from the gym, like I told Jasper late at night because of training and stuff like that and I was beaten and raped so bad to where I can't have kids" I say
and I feel Rosalie's emotions as sympathetic

"Rosie did that also happen to you" I ask coming up to her
She nods

Oh Rosie posie I'm so sorry" I say to her as I hug her

"Sister there's something we need to tell you" Dean says coming up behind me

"Are you sure now's the best time ?" Asks Edward my brother nods

"Ok what is it?" I ask him

The Major and his Kitsune //Jasper hale (1)Where stories live. Discover now