Chapter 13: coming up with where to hide Bella/the hunt/Beacon hills

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As we all get to the garage Jasper is now walking in with Carlisle
"I had to kill our kind before, it's hard but not difficult " I hear him say
"But not impossible " Emmett says
I continue to think of a place to hide Bella and only one place comes to mind, but I think of something else to make sure Edward doesn't read my mind
"I never thought of killing another creature , even a sadistic one like James"says Carlisle
"What if he kills one of us first" asks Rosalie sitting on a counter I stand by her folding my arms irritated
"I'm going to run Bella south, can you lead the tracker away somehow" asks Edward I roll my eyes
"You really are stupid" I voice out
"No edward Christina s right, James knows you would never leave Bella he will follow you" says Carlisle
"Esme Rosalie Chris could you guys put these on so the tracker will pick up Bella's scent " says Edward throwing coats to Rosalie, Esme and I
"Why what is she to me?" Asks Rosalie and I
"Rosalie Chris, Bella is with Edward now she's family and we protect our family " Carlisle says as Rosalie and I  take the coats
"Edward jasper, Chris, dean and I will drive her south, we will keep her safe" says Alice
"Can you keep your thoughts to yourself " asks Edward
"Yes" Alice nods as we all get in the car
Edward and Bella share their goodbyes and I roll the window down to make sure Bella's scent leaves and I call Kira
" hello" Kira answers
"Hey I need a favor" I tell her
"Sure what is it" Kira asks
"I'm coming to beacon hills with a few friends can you and the pack keep her safe until the people after her are dealt with" I ask again
"Of course, but wait you don't like or trust the pack" she says
"Yes but you do, so can you do it" I ask
"Yea, do you remember the old cellar in the basement" she asks
Yes I remember " I say
"There's that place you and you're friends can hide out" she says
"Thank you I'll see you soon" I tell her as we both hang up
"Guys we are not going to Arizona " I say
"How did you know?" Asks Alice
"Edward, I touched him and I saw Arizona , I just think that's to obvious, so I called my cousin in beacon hills and she said there's a place we can hide her with no sun, we just have to make the tracker and his mate think we are going to Arizona " I pled my case
"You called Kira didn't you" Dean asks
I nod
"How do we make the tracker think we are going to Arizona " jasper asks
"Bella calls her mom and tells her that she broke up with Edward and had a fight with her dad and is coming back home and we roll down all the windows and make sure Bella's scent is everywhere" I tell them
Dean smiles
"Alice does it work" I ask
"Yes" she says
We all drive to California, Beacon hills where Kira and Scott McCall are waiting for us
We pull up and get out
"Guys I'd like you to met my cousin and the other kitsune other then me and Dean, Kira Yukimura and her boyfriend and werewolf Scott McCall the true alpha " I introduce
"Scott, Kira meet Alice Cullen, Jasper hale, Bella swan and.... " I move aside
"Dean" says Kira surprised
"Hey little fox " says Dean
"Hi" says Alice
Hello" says jasper
Bella waves
"I thought you said kitsune s and wolves don't get along" asks jasper
" we don't but Kira trusts him and is apart of his pack" I say
We all go into hiding after all the introductions
And jasper, Alice, dean and I along with Peter Scott and Derek hale hunt down James and Victoria
as we hunt them down Bella gets a call from Victoria (how she found them I don't know) to come meet them somewhere
She goes to meet them and almost dies until the rest of us show up and see her and James together and kill them both
We all go home after that and Bella ends up in the hospital
I say thank you and goodbye to Scott and his pack
"Maybe you aren't so bad after all McCall " I say to Scott
" thanks " he says
" if we weren't enemies I think I might actually like you,and Derek, the others I'm not so sure about I do like Liam tho, take care of my cousin and your beta" I tell him
" I will I promise " he says
"Bye little fox" Dean says
"Bye dean I'm glad you're here" Kira says
" me too" he says
Jasper stands by the car looking uncomfortable
" jasper?" I look at him
"Yeah" he asks as he looks at me
I kiss him and he kisses back
"Are we ready" I ask
"Yes, come visit soon guys" I tell the McCall pack
"We will don't worry" Kira says smirking I roll my eyes at her as I get in and we go home
As we get home we pull up to the house and we go in
"Where'd you guys go?" Asks Edward
"Well Arizona felt to obvious to me so we went to Beacon hills, California to see our cousin Kira " I say to Edward
"There we killed James and Victoria both" Dean says to them
"We met Kira and other wolves" says jasper
Edward growls
"Hey, idiot my cousin trusts them so we had to ask for their help" I say

I know my uaual chapters are like up to 1000 words or more but not this one this one is shorter but don't judge a lot more to do with the McCall pack coming soon in the other books

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