Chapter 7: Dean pt.2

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As I get ready for this field trip I get dressed and I grab everything I need including my leather jacket and my helmet and then I leave, I get to school I pull into the parking lot right next to edwards car

"Dean can I put my helmet in your car ?" I ask him

"Of course " he says I smile as I put it in his car

As we wait outside the school building I go to stand next to my brother and I notice Bella and Edward still staring at each other across the lot I roll my eyes at them as I sit on top of my brothers car with my headphones on.

We all hear a van come around the corner and I look up to see it going towards Bella and right on time Edward,being the hero of the day races over and stops the van. I didn't know how and I didn't care how I was grateful that she wasn't hurt

"I'm grateful for Edward for saving her but there's no way I'm going to the hospital " I tell my brother

"Come on Chris " he pleads

" Dean ever since mom and dad died I've been afraid to step foot in the hospital" I say to him

"Come on " jasper says to me
I get in jaspers car with him

"Wait what about my motorcycle?" I ask jasper

"It will be at the house, just like someone will come pick up Bella's truck" jasper says

" fine" I say as I put my seatbelt on
Jasper pulls out the parking lot as he drives somewhere in port Angeles to a restaurant

He gets out of the car then comes over to my side and opens my door to help me out
I take his hand as I get out and we go in the restaurant

"Jasper?" I question

"Yes?" He asks

"What are we doing here?" I ask

"Well we are eating darlin' you didn't eat at lunch so I was concerned and you said you don't like hospitals, so I figured I would take you out to eat on a date" he says to me as we walk in the restaurant

We go to sit down and he orders me the double bacon burger with a coke for me

"You're not gonna eat anything?" I ask confused as to why he didn't order anything

"Uh no I'm on a special diet " he says

"Is your brother going to get into trouble for saving Bella today?" I ask

" most likely" he says

Ten minutes of silence and my food and drink make it to the table

"Now, are you sure I can't get you anything cutie" asks the waiter trying to flirt with Jasper

"No thank you" says jasper

"We have the Cesar salad" she says

" lady he said no now back the hell off?!" I snap at her

She leaves as I feel Jaspers hand on mine

" I'm sorry, I can't always control my temper" I say

" hey it's alright" he says smiling
I keep my eyes closed

" open your eyes Chris" he asks
I shake my head

" Chris please" he says

Hesitantly I open my eyes to see a pair of golden ones staring back at my now orangish red eyes

"You're beautiful Chris" he says

" why thank you kind sir I have to tell you something but I can't do it here Jasper" I tell him

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