Part 16

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"Took you two long enough" Blaise said mocking me from earlier.
"Hey Arianna you okay? Sorry I keep asking it's just when I asked the first time you stormed off to the restroom" Blaise said rubbing his neck.
"I'm okay, sorry for that" I said quietly looking down.
"Well let's go then we don't have all day" Draco said breaking the awkward silence.

We where walking around Hogsmeade for a little till I saw a crystal shop.
"Can we go in there please!" I said eager to go look at all the beautiful crystals.
"Come one let go next time I'm starving" Pansy said.
"Yeah me too" Blaise said agreeing with her.
"Please!" I begged I could see some rose quartz my favorite crystal in the window seal of the shop.

"I'll go with you" Draco said with a cheeky smirk.
"Whatever never mind let's just go eat" I said not wanting to go with him after what happened earlier today.

"No you and Draco go and me and Blaise will go eat" pansy insisted.
"Fine" I said and walked over to the crystal shop with Draco following behind me.
"What was that all about?" Draco asked looking around in the shop.

"I just changed my mind" I said looking at the crystals laid out on one of the tables.
That's not what I meant I'm talking about at the restrooms" he said looking directly at me.

"Nothing" i said looking away from him and back at the crystals.

"You see Arianna Blaise and his raisin sized brain may believe that but I don't" he said grabbing my chin to make me look at him.

I didn't want to talk about it but what choice did I have if I didn't he was just going to keep asking.
"Well just being here it reminds me of my father" I said moving my face away from his grip.
"Did something happen to him?" He asked still looking at me.
"I wouldn't know he hasn't written to me this entire time and my mother hasn't mentioned him once in any of her letters" I said quietly.

"Arianna I'm sure he's okay.. hey you never talk much about your mother what's she like?" He asked changing the subject even he knew it was weird my father hasn't written to me.
"She lovely you know she's a hybrid like my father and she loves watching movies with me and milo every weekend and"
"Milo?" Draco asked cutting me off
"Milo is my cat I'm surprised you haven't seen him yet I brought him with me to hogwarts" I said looking at the tiger eyes now.
"What are these" he asked picking one up.
"Tigers eyes it helps replace fear and anxiety" I said looking at it in his hand wow he has nice hands.
"Sounds like you could use a piece" he said with a little smirk.

I grabbed a few of the rose quartz my favorite and walked to the counter to pay. Once I placed the rocks on the counter I reached in my back pocket to pay but Draco was already handing her the money. "It fine Draco I got it"
"It's fine ari I got it" he said back. Did he just call me ari? Why did it make me feel butterflies in my stomach? Do I like him? No no I don't it's impossible.

On our way to meet up with pansy and Blaise I decided to break the silence.
"You know you didn't have to pay for it you didn't even get anything"
"I don't mind" he said still looking forward.
I didn't know what else to say so I just said " thank you not just for paying for it but for going with me and talking about my family with me.
He just smiled not smirk smiled a real genuine smile and stared at me. The smile started to slowly fade away intel it was completely gone.

" who's Kai?"
I knew he was going to asked me about this again but I didn't think it would be so soon. I did t want to answer him but what choice did I have he would just keep asking.
"Well Kai is a person nobody will ever see again" I said.
"He's dead?" He asked
"No just locked away some where far far away" I said looking down at my feet.
"Like Azkaban?"
"No worse he's all alone ... and it's my fault" I said
" I don't. Understand"
"Can we just talk about it later?" I said not wanting to talk about Kai any longer.
"Yeah whatever" he said.

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