Part 21

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As me and Draco run through the hallways to get to the commons room I can't help but think about him meeting my mom. My mother the most important person in the world to me and I just hope she doesn't get the wrong impression on me and Draco, cause we're just...friends? I honestly know what me and Him are but it's nothing serious and I just hope she doesn't get overly excited with any of it.

"Okay go pack a bag I don't know how long we will be there so grab what you think you will need we have to hurry though so be quick" I say as we enter the commons room.

"Okay meet back here in 10 minutes" said running off to his room

While packing my stuff I thought of leaving pansy a letter as to why I was gone, but I really didn't have time I could write to her when I get there that way I have time to think of a good lie. Once I got done packing my stuff making sure I grabbed everything I need, hairbrush, toothbrush,clothes,etc. I grabbed milo and headed for the door.

I waited a couple minutes for Draco by one of the longer sofas. He came down the stairs with his trunk and we headed out the door.

When we found my father and Elijah in the same hallway I left them in I couldn't help but notice the look on both their faces when they saw Draco next to me.

"Who the bloody hell is he" my father asked me

"Draco, he's coming with us he's my...friend" I said confidently

"No he is not" my father said

"I'm not asking for permission especially after what you've kept from me, what the both of you have kept from me" I say looking at him and Elijah

"Never mind the boy neeklaus, well come on we have to catch the train now if you want to get there at a decent time" Elijah stepped in for once I actually agreed with him

~on the train~

Me and Draco got our own compartment of course my father tried to fight against it but I'm not paying much attention to him right now after all he's done.

"So Um what's the plan" Draco asked after the compartment being silent for awhile.

"What plan?" I asked back confused

"That's exactly what I'm asking what is the plan?" He asked annoyed

"There is no plan what do you mean" I asked still very confused to why he thinks there would be a plan.

"Well what do you expect to do just go home and talk to...him then what are you going to do?" He asked looking straight at me

He's right I didn't even think about why I was exactly going home I mean of course I want to see Kai and tell him everything and how much I've missed him but what do I do after that surely my family doesn't think I will lock him back in that prison world.

"I don't really know" I said looking out the window feeling kind of embarrassed as to why I haven't thought of this earlier.

"Arianna I know I've asked before but who is he?" He asks

"He's my best friend we've been friends sense I was younger he's done some very very bad things and I had to leave him well correction lock him up in a prison world but I made a loop hole and he escaped" I spilled out everything so he couldn't possibly have more questions left to ask.

And just as I thought no more questions could be asked he asks
"What did he do?"

I was hesitant to answer but I knew if I did it would just make this go by a lot faster with out us bickering.

" well he killed all his siblings except for 3 that's got away but they truly had it coming they where terrible to him and you see he's a Gemini twin so his twin sister and him would have to "merge" to see who is the most powerful and who ever it is lives and takes the others magic well his sister didn't want to merge with him because he clearly would have been stronger so he killed her...on her wedding day, that's actually the day he got sent to hell but he escaped that too, long story" I rambled on.

"Wow okay psychopath hell escaping best friend, anything else I should know before we get there?" He asks amused it seems, very different from someone else's reaction if I were to just tell them all that.

"Actually yes when my father and I where arguing before he told me Kai was back I could sense there was something else. My father doesn't lie to me often but when he does I can tell it's like I just know, anyways there's something else going on something non Kai related." I said thinking about what else he could be keeping from me.

"Well what do you say Mikaelson up for a little mission to find out what he's lying about" he smirked

I nodded and the train came to a stop.

(I have a new book up you should check it out if you would like it's called pansy's sister, I want your guy's opinions should I keep going with this book or should I start it over because I've thinking about starting this whole book over but I won't do it if you guys are enjoying how it's going so for let me know in the comments <3)

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