Part 11

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~at the lake~

We sat in the same spot that I was at the other day. Being back to the lake made me think about kai and how I might might not ever see him again.
"What are you thinking about?" Draco asked.
I just stared out at the lake a bit before answering.
" why did you did you do that in class?" I asked him instead of answering his question.
"You didn't answer my question Arianna"

" and you didn't answer mine"

"Yeah well I asked first"

"I'll tell you what I'm think about if you tell me why you did that in class" I told him.

" I saw the way you where looking at potter and the way Theo was looking at you."
He finally said.

"I wasn't looking at Harry any type of way he helped me with a question so I was thanking him, plus why would you even care" I said in a bit of a harsher tone I didn't mean to come out.

He stood up looking Ferris now.
"Your pathetic to think I actually care, because I don't care especially about you" and just as he was about to walk away. " oh and you still look like a slut!" He said repeating those word from this morning and I'm not going to lie they definitely stung a bit more then the first time he said it.

A part of me was glad he walked off because I did t have to tell him what I was thinking about. Of course I would really tell him what I was thinking about or should I say who, Kai. The truth is I've never talked about it with someone that didn't already know the full story and I don't think I'm ready to yet. Man I miss him his wicked smile the way his eyes lit up when ever he heard the word trouble. " I'll see him soon" is what I always tell myself, but what if I don't what if I never get to see my bestfriend again. What if I brake my promise to him that I would lock myself up in there with him one day. Of course no one knew about that part and I mean no one just me and Kai. I told my mom everything but never that part I know she would try to stop me when the moment comes.

( sorry for the short chapter but I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! .. also can everyone reading this tell me in the comments if they have finished both tvd and the originals or just one or the other that way I have a better understanding on how to explain the whole Kai situation)

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