10| The next morning

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Aang's POV

I wake up, I'm not in my bed and I feel like I've got a headache. "Morning, Sweetie." A familiar voice says, "Katara?" I ask, "Yes, Sweetie?" She responds, I look at her. "Why are you calling me, Sweetie?" I wonder, she kisses me. "Because, you're my boyfriend and we agreed on Sweetie." I smile, "Okay Sweetie." I say, kissing her forehead. "We should go-" I suggest, she nods. We then get dressed, "Phew, it's still closed." She tells herself, we then go our separate ways.

Katara's POV

I arrive home, my father looks at me. "Where were you?" He asked, "A friend's." I lied, "Is it that guy, Aang?" He queries, "Yes." I admit, "I can't trust you anymore with him, he could be one of those horrid fire benders like the one who killed your mother." He half shouts, "He is a fire bender, but so what? He's in fact, the Avatar. I trust him." I say, "You're not allowed to see him anymore-" He states, "WHY?" I ask, crying. "It's going too far, between you two." He says.

Aang's POV

I get a text, "Hey Sweetie." It says, I respond. "Hey." I then get a voice call, I hear my girlfriend cry. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" I ask, she cries more. "My dad, he said you're untrustworthy. I begged him, he thinks you could be one of the people like my mother's murderer." She says, I want to cry. "I better go now." She tells me, then hangs up. My guardian comes in, "Hi Aang." He said, I look at him. "What's wrong?" He asks me, I run to him in a hug. He looks at me, confused.

Katara's POV

I then lie down, on my bed. My dad comes in, "I hope you're happy." I say, extremely annoyed and my eyes already red from crying. "What's wrong?" He asked, looking at me. "WHAT'S WRONG? WHAT'S WRONG?!" I shouted, he looked at me for an answer. "You kept me from seeing my friend, for no reason. That's what-" I state, "It's for your own good." He says, "How? I just wanted a friend and now I'm not even allowed to see him..." I admit, he rolled his eyes...

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