Chapter 16

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Laura's POV
6:15 pm. Exactly 15 more minutes till the date and I just need to wear my heels and I'm ready. This night is gonna be fun. I went down my room and I saw Ross wearing a black tux. Aw. He looks cute.

• • •

Ross: Hey Laur are you ready ?

Laura: Wait a minute. (Wears her diamond earrings) and I'm done leggo !

Ross: Wow. Laura you look wow.

Laura: Thanks. You look handsome as always

Ross:(pulls out his hands) So what do you say ?

Laura: (intertwines their fingers) I'd love too.

• • •

Ross wouldn't tell me where we are going. It was a long trip going the place and I really want to find out where the date is gonna be. Ugh.

Ross' POV
I could see the curious look on Laura's face. She looked so eager. I just hope she likes it and I won't fail. I turned the car to the left and we are here.

Ross: We're here.

Laura: Exactly where are we ?

Ross: In an airbase

Laura: (sarcastically) Yay ! I love our date.

Ross: (chuckles) No. That's our date (points up to the clouds)

(A helicopter arrives)

Laura: What the hell ? are you serious ?

Ross: Of course.

Laura: You didn't have to this.

Ross: Hey a perfect night, for a perfect girl.

Laura: Aww. That's so sweet of you. (Runs towards the helicopter)

Ross: Where're you going ?

Laura: Where else ? To the helicopter here you doof.

Ross: Oh yeah. I knew that. Hey wait for me.

Laura: Hurry up I'm excited.

• • •
(In The Helicopter)

Ross: So do you like the date so far ?

Laura: This lobster taste good !

Ross: I love that you're lovin' the food but seriously what do you think ?

Laura: It's amazing ! But why here ?

Ross: So that it would be special.

Laura: Ross (holds on his hands) I don't care where our date is even if we end up at the dump side. As long as I am with there's no place I'd rather be.

Ross: (stands up and takes out his hand) May I have this dance ?

Laura: Are you sure ? We could fall down from doing this.

Ross: Hey. I'll always be here to catch you.

Laura: (stands up) Okay.

• • •

It was a fun time but rental time is a over. But the date doesn't end there. As the helicopter goes down We rushed towards the public bathroom. It was gross but we need sacrifices to be done. So I changed into my black dress. I came out and Ross also changed his clothes. He was wearing blue jeans,a white shirt and a flannel on top with his beanie and chucks.

• • •

Laura: Where are we going next ?

Ross: You'll see. (Whistles)

(A Carriage arrives)

Laura: Are you for real ? Is this it ?

Ross: No. That's our ride (points on the wheel barrow)

Laura: Oh okay.

Ross: Why did you seem so sad ? I thought you don't care about the date as long as you are with me you're happy ?

Laura: Of course but you know I'd expect something better from you because you're the kind of guy who'd do such a thing.

Ross: Oh Laura ! Of course this our ride . I was just messing with you.

Laura: God ! I hate you so much right now.

Ross: But you'll always love me !

Laura: (rolls her eyes) Whatever. Let's get in !

Ross: I'm coming , I'm coming stop being pushy.

• • •

Laura: Ooh ! Look at those stars ! It looks so pretty !

Ross: You know what's more prettier ?

Laura: What ? Me ?

Ross: How'd you know I'd say that ?

Laura: very obvious lover boy.

Ross: What do I say ?

Laura: Why does it have to be scripted ? It should come from the heart.

Ross: You know what ? I wanna go home.

Laura: We're not getting down from this ride until you say something !

Ross: Okay ! Sheesh ! Um okay how would I start this um ..... uh oh there okay I got a pick up line . Okay so here it goes I don't wanna be the moon because it would mean to leave you when the sun comes out.

Laura: That was nice of you buy you are not through this yet but I wanna go home.

• • •

We got home and this date has been one of the greatest things that happened to my life. I'm so lucky to have Ross as mine because I know every girl wants him and I'm the lucky one. Wait. What makes me think that I'm with him ? He hasn't made it official yet. What are we ?

• • •

Laura: Exactly what are we ?

Ross: (comes closer to her) what do you want us to be ?

Laura: I don't know. What do you have to say about it ?

Ross: (comes more closer to her) It's your choice. I don't wanna push you into anything.

Laura: Are we like uh a thing ?

Ross: (steps a little bit closer) In what kind of thing ?

He's literally killing me inside. Those damn kissable lips that I can't get enough of and I can't even understand a word he says. I'm literally lost.

Ross: Laura !

Laura: Huh ? Oh yeah. Stop playing games with me and answer the question !

Ross: What question ?

Laura: Oh for the love of God ! Do you wanna be my boyfriend !

Ross: (giggles) I just wanted you to say that.

Laura: You suck. So your answer ?

Ross: Hell yeah !

He was still close to me and I just can't take it anymore. Of course I kissed him. He was shocked at first because I pushed him a little but he kissed back easily. He pulled away for some reasons and I don't know why.

Laura: Why'd you pull away ?

Ross: My lips are numb.

Laura: It feels nice. (Smiles)

I was about to pull him back and kiss him but then........

?????: Ross ! I'm home !

Who the hell is that ?

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