Chapter 25

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Laura's POV
I hate my life. I've never wanted to live a life of royalty. It was never a choice for me to make. It was just part of my life package. Little girls think that if you become a princess you could wear beautiful dresses,find your prince charming and wear tiaras. I'm sorry to break it to you little girls but none of those things are real. Cause if you're a princess it would be a whole lot of pressure. Like the way you dress, you can't just go out of the house just wearing some shorts,t-shirts and flip flops. You should always look presentable.You're expected to wear some stupid elegant tight dresses, and heels that you can't even walk properly. So the point of all these things is that stop living in the fairytale world. Wake up and meet your crappy life. Well today is my wedding. Which is probably broadcast all around the world.And if I make one careless mistake everyone on earth would see it.
I'd make a fool out of myself. Woke up about 5:30 am to do all of the things. My wedding dress is beyond beautiful. But I'm not very happy right now because I'm wearing this wedding dress that I've always thought of as a young child and finally it had come to reality. But I regret wearing this dress. Not worth wearing this dress if I'm marrying a guy I have no interest in and whatsoever. The ceremony starts at 10:00 and I'm freaking out ! It's already 9:30 and we're driving to the church. It's so traffic ! I'm gonna be late ! Oh who am I kidding ? I'll be late for the wedding. Yes ! I'm free.

Joe: Madame will be here for about 20 minutes.

Laura: Oh it's fine I could wait.

• • •

As much as I want to miss the wedding this traffic is getting on my nerves. All the car honking, people shouting and a crowded place.It's too much to handle. My mom just called and she's totally panicking and she's very worried.

Joe: Madame, the gates of the church is 2 minutes away from here. So we will be arriving just on time.

Laura: Okay. Thanks.

Silence took over on our nearly arrival at the church. And as we get closer I see my mother pacing back and forth looking stressed as always. The car stops and we're here. FML. I get down from the car and my mom walks towards me with a worried expression.

Ellen: Laura what happened ?

Laura: It was really traffic.

Ellen:Ugh. Whatever just go by the front door and wait for your cue.

Laura: Sure mom. I'll take it from here.

Ellen: Oh honey ! I can't believe it's your wedding day.

Laura: Neither do I.

Ellen: Stop being so sad and lighten up !

Laura: Okay Mom. Bye.See you later.

Ellen: Bye Honey. (Leaves)

Well this is it Laura. Your big day. Yay. Wipee ! Note the sarcasm. Just do it for the lovely people of Cambridge. For the country, for the people. It's already my turn. The last bridesmaid has walked down the aisle. No more turning back.

Sofia: Princess, you may enter now.

My father is here and I'm so nervous. The doors have finally open. I see my dad on my right side. Smiling at me widely.

Damiano: Aww. My daughter looks beautiful. Honey you look all grown up.

Laura: Thanks Dad.

Damiano: (brings out his arm) Are you ready honey ?

Laura: (takes his arms) Yeah.

We start walking and Canon in D starts playing. Such a heavenly song. I see many people around me. Looks like other people from other countries and wow. That's a lot of people.

Announcer: Welcome everyone to the wedding of the century. So now may I introduce to you the bride Laura Marie Olivia Madison Marano, princess of Cambridge. With her father King Damiano I.

Oh my gosh I'm shaking. I might trip. Okay Laura calm down. Woo. I'm good.
We approach the altar and I see Matthew looking somehow uneasy. My dad comes near him and whispers him something. After having a short talk with my dad he walk towards with me. Looking mot calm than he was awhile ago.

Matthew: Hey Laura.

Laura: Sup Matt.

Matthew: We have nicknames already. I see ? (Smirking)

Laura: Shut up. Whatever let's do this crap.

Matthew: Yeah sure whatever. Let's do this shit.

Laura: Hey ! Language please !

Matthew: I just copied what you said. Just used another word for it.

Laura: I hate you.

Matthew: Love you too my soon to be wife. (Kisses her cheek)

How could you stand this guy ? I can't believe I'm marrying this doofus.

• • •

I'm almost finish in writing this book about 4 more chapters left and it's done. So apparently Austin And Ally is done filming. I'm crying so hard about it. But we should be happy because the 4 of them is given more opportunities in life. 😭😃

Bye 💕

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