Chapter 13

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Laura's POV
Ross has been gone a lot awhile now and comes home very late. I have no idea where he goes. It's like he's planning something but I can't figure what is it. It's very weird. And I haven't hung out with him for a long time. the last time that we went out was yesterday.Well probably that wasn't long ago but I'm just so used to hang out with him everyday. I miss those times.

Ross' POV
I've been gone lately and it's just that I'm looking for a perfect way to steal Laura's heart. But not literally. It seems so hard to impress her because she has everything that she asks for. So should I take her to a romantic dinner ? Nah. Too mainstream. To the carnival ? Booring. To the movies ? What's a good movie to watch ? It's just a whole lot of pressure on me and I can't find the perfect one. Oh ah ! Have an idea now ! But it would be hard to do that. But no matter what I'll do it for Laura. And I have to go home. I'm at the park just wandering around and thinking at the same time.


Ross: Laura ! I'm home !

Laura: Where've you been ?

Ross: I went to the park. I wanted to be alone.

Laura: How come from the past few days you keep on going out ?

Ross' POV
What do I tell her ? "Oh I'm planning for a date for you Laur." No ! I can't say the surprise. I guess I have to lie and tell her I was just thinking. Well it's semi true but still not the truth. It's now or never.

Ross: I was just thinking.

Laura: What are you thinking about ?

Ross: Um... Stuff.

Laura: What Stuff ?

Ross: It's nothing. I'll tell you soon.

Laura: Is it like a secret ?

Ross: Somehow. Eh but just wait.

Laura: Okay ? So wanna go to get burgers ?

Ross: Sure Let's go.


Ross' POV
Ok I start fixing the "stuff" today. I need to go to Target to get some things. Like A LOT of things. I guess I have to do this all day and it's the perfect time to do it. Laura's at this Spa Hotel and she's not coming home in about like midnight. So iI have to write all the things and get the _______ (A/N: not saying till the's a surprise) I hope she like it.

Laura's POV
Oh ! That feels so good ! A little more the left , okay there ! So I'm at the spa and it's very relaxing. I wanna stay here forever but I have to go home eventually. I just wish this never ends. After spending the whole day there I wanted to go home. No sign of Ross. Maybe he's already asleep. I need to get some sleep. (Yawns)

Ross' POV
Let's start sticking !

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