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A/N: I'm so so so so so sorry! I'm a terrible author :( I haven't updated in forever hhhhhh- I'd just like to say thank you for all the reads and votes, and I appreciate every last one of you so much! I'll try my best to update more often, but school is getting a bit harder everyday Q-Q anyways, enjoy the book! If anyone has any suggestions for different parts, feel free to comment or dm me on here ^^

Y/N's POV:

We'd been back at school for a month now. Everything is normal again. The League of Villains hasn't attacked recently, seeing as Shigaraki has been back in jail. I had visited him the other day, and we talked about his offer. He explained everything about the LOV, how they were like a family, their beliefs, the different people and everything else. I kept all the information to myself, not wanting to cause a stir. The offer had kept racing through my mind...

Part of me wanted to join the villains, and I didn't know why... but the other part of me wanted nothing to do with them....


"Y/N! Y/N! Are you paying attention?!" I heard Aizawa's voice yell, and immediately shot my head up to look at him.

I suppose I was dazing off again.... thinking about Shigaraki as usual..., "S-sorry Aizawa Sensei.." I reply, slouching in my chair and trying my best to listen to Aizawa.

"Psst!" I heard someone whisper to me, turning and seeing Bakugou trying to catch my attention, "Are you doing alright...?" he asked in a low whisper, sounding a bit concerned for me, "N-not that I care or anything ..." he tried to cover up.

Bakugou had changed a lot from last year, but not to much. Certain things can never change..., "I'm alright..." I replied softly, going to turn around again.

I felt his hand rest on my shoulder, and I turned back to him, "Don't lie to me" he said.

My eyes widened a bit, but I just closed them and then turned around. I opened my eyes back up and stared out the window again, completely giving up on trying to pay attention. I couldn't get my mind off of Shigaraki and Bakugou. I hated having to lie to Bakugou. I had told him I stopped thinking about Shigaraki, but I really hadn't. Those days where I told him I was to busy with schoolwork, I was just visiting Shigaraki again. It was terrible, lying to the person I love the most in this world, but I had to.... I knew he would just try and help me, but I don't want him caught up in all my problems...


Homeroom ended, and we were off to training. Today we were doing simple practices, just one on one type stuff.... Aizawa had chosen to take a nap, so we were left with Iida and Yaoyorozu instructing us. The two of them agreed simple practicing was good.

"Yo! Turn on the radio, I want some music!" I heard Sero yell, Kaminari nodding in agreement.

Yaoyoroz turned to Iida, and nodded. Iida gave an annoyed sigh, and walked to turn on the radio. Everyone practiced with some music in the background, which seemed to have taken my mind of Shigaraki. Wouldn't be for long though...

"Y/N!!!!! Stop being so good at this!!" Uraraka whined, as I had beaten her for the fifteenth time in a matter of five minutes.

I gave a soft chuckle and released her from my strings. She whined and sluggishly walked over to me. I gave a soft sigh, "Uraraka, our quirks are mildly similar. We both have to touch an opponent to use our quirks, and our quirks can basically make the opponent move." I explained, she nodded in reply, "The only reason I seem to touch you first, is because you're trying to hard to attack instead of just simply touching. Don't charge with such force, and just swiftly move. Watch-" I say, stepping away from her.

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