Chapter 12 - Weird

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"Hey Uncle Bo..." Addie cuts herself off as she walks in to see everyone staring at her, "What's going on?"

"Addie... Can I talk to you?" Chimney asks, walking up to her, fiddling with his fingers.

"Uh... Yeah... Sure." Addie says, looking around questioningly before she follows Chimney upstairs. "What's going on, Howie? Why is everyone staring at me?"

"Ok... It wasn't intentional, but everyone knows what happened last night." Chimney sighs. Addie's jaw drops.

"What?! Howie. You told them? I can't believe you told them." Addie starts to get frustrated, "We both promised we wouldn't tell anybody... But especially my Uncle Bobby. I can't believe you told my Uncle Bobby."

"Addie. It's not what you think." Chimney rests his hand on her arm.

"Then what is it?" Addie asks as she jerks her arm away.

"It was Jenny. Buck's Jenny. She saw us kiss at the bar last night. And apparently she lives across the street from me and Buck was at her place last night. They saw me bring you to my apartment... He was asking all these questions when Bobby came in. I'm sorry, Addie. I really am." Chimney rambles on as Addie interrupts him with a kiss, "Wha... What? You're not mad?"

"I was a little mad at first but you explained what happened and I could tell by the way you looked at me, that you meant it." Addie kisses him again, "I really care about you, Howie. I can't stay mad at you."

"So... I guess... Now that your uncle knows... I have a question for you." Chimney smiles.

"Ok. Shoot." Addie smirks.

"Can I take you out on a proper date tonight?" Chimney asks. Addie laughs and grabs his face in her hands and kisses him.

"Well... Didn't expect to walk in to see that..." Bobby says standing at the top of the stairway.

"Uncle Bobby... I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." Addie turned red as she pulled away from Chimney.

"Cap..." Chimney looks at Bobby with guilt written all over his face.

"I just wanted to make sure that everything was alright between you two... I didn't expect you to kiss again..." Bobby awkwardly walks over.

"Are you sure this won't be weird for you cap?" Chimney asks.

"Oh, it will definitely be weird... I mean, Addie is the same age that Brook would have been... It's weird to think that she's old enough to be dating... And old enough to be dating one of my friends for that matter..." Bobby chuckles.

"That's what you get for having friends twelve years younger than you." Chimney laughs, "They date your twenty-two year old niece." Addie looks down at the floor, embarrassed.

"I mean, that is fair." Bobby sighs.

"We aren't dating... We haven't technically gone on a date yet." Addie pipes up.

"I'm pretty sure last night was a date." Chimney smirks at Bobby, who can't help but laugh.

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