Chapter 57 - Surprise

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"How is Buck doing?" Bobby asks as he and Athena walk into the hospital. Hen and Eddie are sitting in the waiting room, staring at the wall.

"He's doing alright. He's getting stitches. Thankfully the glass didn't cut too much of his carotid artery, and since I was right there with him, I was able to slow down the bleeding." Eddie says.

"Good. So he will probably be able to go home tonight or tomorrow then." Athena smiles.

"The doctor said I should be able to take him home with me tonight." Eddie turns around, to look at him through the door, "It just depends on when he wakes up."

"But I thought you said he is just getting stitches?" Bobby looks at Eddie, confused.

"He is, and well, Buck is a big tough guy, until someone comes at his neck with a needle. He kinda freaked out on them, so they figured it would be safer for everyone if they put him under." Eddie laughs.

"Fair enough." Bobby smirks. 

"Have you guys heard from Chimney or Addie?" Hen looks over at Bobby and Athena.

"No, we haven't heard anything... Why?" Bobby asks.

"They've just been gone a long time." Hen says, worried, "I would have thought that they would be back by now."

"That is true... Maybe I should call." Bobby picks up his phone and dials Addie's number, "Hey, Addie... How's he doing?... Good! That's great... What?... A surprise?... Uh, alright... Yeah, we will be there soon."

"What was that all about?" Athena looks at Bobby.

"I am not really sure... All she said was that they have a surprise for you and me and they want us to come see them at the children's hospital." Bobby looks at her.

"Oh... Alright then... Call us when you hear more about Buck, alright?" Athena says as her and Bobby walk out of the hospital.

"I wonder what it could be?" Bobby asks, as he opens the passenger side door of Athena's squad car.

"I have no idea... What surprise would they have for us at a hospital?" Athena sits in the driver's seat and starts the car.

"I'm not sure... Maybe they found a lollipop?" Bobby laughs as he buckles his seat belt.

"Whatever it is, it better be good." Athena smirks as she starts to drive off towards the children's hospital.

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