Chapter 41 - Slip

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The sound of fire trucks fills the road as Chimney and Addie start climbing their way down the hill, it was becoming more and more treacherous the farther down they got. "Addie, you are wearing heels, are you sure you should be doing this?" Chimney looks back up at Addie, who is struggling to keep her balance.

"You know what? You're right!" Addie says as she takes off her heels and throws them to the side. Her bare feet move quickly over the rocks.

"Not quite what I meant... But I guess that works." Chimney shrugs before continuing on down the hill.

"Can you tell how many people are in there?" Addie asks.

"I'd have to say at least a couple dozen, if not more." Chimney loses his footing and slips.

"Chimney! Are you alright?!" Addie asks as Chimney makes his way back to his feet.

"I am fine. Just a few bumps, but I am fine.". Chimney says as he continues to make his way down the hill.

"Chimney! Addie!" Bobby's voice calls from above.

"Down here, Cap!" Chimney yells as he reaches the bus.

"How is it looking down there?" Bobby looks down across the side of the hill.

"We've got a mass casualty situation... I'd say about two dozen still with us. We need more RA units and MedEvac on standby." Chimney pulls his sleeve over his hand to use as protection as he pushes away the broken windshield.

"We are on our way down." Buck yells as he starts making his way down the hill.

"Man, this is steep. How did you make it down barefoot, Addie?" Eddie says, trying to keep from slipping.

"Probably adrenaline... This is the first time I've ever had to do something like this." Addie says, finally getting to the bus.

"Help... Me..." a weak voice comes from the driver who is still seat belted in. Chimney looks up at her to see the air bag pressing against her face.

"We are going to get you out of here. I promise." Chimney says as he makes his way across the ceiling of the bus, trying to assess the situation.

"Please hurry." the driver cries.

"We will get to you as soon as we can." Chimney looks around, there are bodies thrown all around the ceiling of the bus, some dead on impact, others barely hanging on, "Oh my god..." Chimney stops when he sees the familiar face.

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