Chapter One; 💜🌹🦇The Resurfacing of a Rose🐺🌑💛

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Rose opened his eyes, looking out at the vast expanse that is the desert.

'Finally', he thought, 'I can play up here again...'

After all, Rose sees the world as a game. One that he didn't want to lose.

'Time for round three... This time I'll win! I know it.'

Rose looked around and realized where he was and who he had access to. His smile stretched wider than any human smile could. His plan was going to be so easy...

'I'm coming for the last thing you love left on earth, Bryan. Watch out, Inpu. Your days are numbered, and I'm the thing waiting to end it.'


Inpu had moved into a temple the rest of his life.

He would have lived in the camp with Bryan, but... he couldn't bear the thought of staying in a place now devoid of his beloved...

Tears began to fall from his eyes, staining his cheeks and moistening the sand beneath him for a second.

'I miss you, dear... I can't live without you for much longer. I need you...'

Choked sobs echoed through his body, gasps for air mixed with coughing... 

He has done this so many times. 

Everything reminded him of Bryan. 

The way the sand glistened gold reminded him of those eyes he would stare into for hours, the clothes Inpu wore were soft like his beloved's hair, and even the wind blowing reminded him of the soft breaths that lulled him to sleep at night when he had nightmares. 

Looking at his ears and tails brought back memories of Bryan grooming them to no end. Inpu has hardly groomed them since, and it showed.

You can imagine what a mess Inpu had been reduced to.

After all, collapsing in the sand crying is not a normal thing, especially in a place like Egypt.

He didn't even try to wipe his tears.

He would just cry again, anyway.

What was the point?

Life was useless without Bryan.

If he could have only one thing to keep until the day he died, he would choose Bryan.

There was no joy in living without Bryan, it seemed.

Inpu's eyes squeezed shut, more tears being squeezed out. His gasps were shallow and quick, he was hyperventilating. He grabbed his head, gasping desperately for air. His claws dug into his skin, gripping to the one solid thing in his vicinity. Sand shifted beneath him, dragging his weak form to the ground. His head hit the sand, it was like a pillow... so soft. He could just... fall asleep right now, and never wake up again. 

'Dying in the sand... it sounds so peaceful... No, Bryan wouldn't want to see me like this! I need to be strong... for Bryan.'

Inpu's breathing calmed down, and he shakily pushed himself up from the sand. He began to walk to the place he lived... 

His sibling was waiting there for him.

"You were thinking about him again?"

Inpu was silent, Magnus already knew the answer. They were only asking because it had become routine at this point.

"Listen, I know he was your husband, but you need to get over him." Magnus sighed in irritation. "At this point you'll end up killing yourself before you even begin to move on. It's been almost a year now. You need to grow a pair and leave it behind."

He merely walked past them, leaving to go to his room once again.

Magnus shouted back towards him when he was down the hallway, "I'm going to be out for awhile, okay? I'll be back as soon as possible. You haven't been doing anything to help out, so I'm doing what I used to tell you to do. I'll see you in a bit."

When Inpu was in his room once more, he let his whimpers out.

'I... I don't want to be alone!If I couldn't protect Bryan while I was with him, how can Magnus take care of them-self without anyone!? I don't want them to die... not when I'm still mourning Bryan... I don't think my heart could take it! '

How long has it been since he's spoken? He couldn't tell you. For all he knew, he hadn't uttered a single word since Bryan's death. He only made wolfish sounds like whimpers, barks and yips. Even then, those were few and far between.

'My dear, my heart breaks a little more each day I wake up without you in my arms... I don't know how much longer I can stand being without you... if only I had you, or someone like you with me... Maybe then I'd be able to make it through the days...? '


The plan was foolproof.

Rose knows he is too weak at the moment to take on more than one person. He just returned from the dead today, he only had a fourth of his original power. 

But Inpu is broken.

Rose can sense it. Inpu is so close to ending himself. All he needs is a little... nudge in the right direction. 

He sharpened his claw-like nails on a stone.

Damn them for destroying the sword permanently! That sword was basically his mom!

Rose snarled at the thought.

'Don't think such childish thoughts. It was a sword. It only held my consciousness for a short while. It had no thoughts or feelings of its own.'

It was a quick and easy plan. Not even Ricarro would be able to screw it up if he was the one executing it.

Rose would catch Inpu alone. Nobody could be anywhere near him. Nobody to hear the fight. Nobody to hear Inpu's last scream echo trough the room. Nobody to see the blood pool from his neck, which would be sliced cleanly open.

Ah, he was ahead of himself.

After all, he had to find Inpu, first.

'It's a silly thought, but it would be nice to live without struggle. Whatever, it's time to find him.'

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