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AN: Listen to the song (first date) it sets that picnic date vibe you need

We sat together, atop the bonny green blanket.

Watching the wildflowers sway in the long grass. 

I looked over at her, her mercury red hair tumbling of her shoulders in loose curls. She had those round cherry sweet lips that held the most infectious smile, that one couldn't bear to look away. 

I had no idea how she could have the bubbliest outlook on the same world that I despised. 

And her eyes, those vibrant blue eyes that encompassed the alluring but tenacious ocean she loved so dearly and the golden spokes that wrapped around them with a hint of mischief only made her look more perfect.  

The way she looked at everything with such an immeasurable amount of warmth was enough to melt any cold heart. 

As dusk fell the sun hit her face turning her milky white skin a sort of golden hue that made her doe like freckles shine. 

She look utterly enchanting. 

She turned to me smiling softly as she so often did "You're staring" she whispered in that feather soft voice. 

I chuckled nodding "Couldn't help it" I say watching as she tilts her head curiously before laughing along with me.  

Our hands brush each other from time to time as we talk about this and that and nothing at all. 

I make her laugh till her eyes get teary and then listen carelessly as she talks about the little things watching as her eyes light up with that childish joy. 

I had to stifle a laugh when a little red ladybug landed right on her button nose, she didn't move a muscle her eyes as wide as saucers until she couldn't help it and we both started laughing all over again. 

The little ladybug flitting away.  

This was absolute bliss, I wanted to stop time and just stay here with her forever 

She jokingly asked why I kept staring and I knew I had an answer. 

I stared at her because I wanted her to stare back, till butterflies erupted in my stomach and my pulse quickened like I was running a marathon. 

I stared at her because she was the most beautiful thing in the world. 

I stared cause my heart wouldn't stop aching for more of her, to touch her soul, her heart and her body,  I truly wanted all of her, I longed to be the only one that knew all of her. 

I wanted her to grab my hand and tell me she knew why I stared, I needed her to pull me so close my breath hitched in my throat. 

I wanted our lips to connect so I could finally see how soft those cherry lips really were.

Only to find out they were softer than one could imagine and then we would both laugh like we always did. 

I loved all of her her childishness, how stubborn she could be, the way her nose scrunched up before she sneezed, the weird ways her hair stood up in the mornings and how whenever she lied she couldn't stop blinking. 

I loved her boldness, her determination, her kindness even her momentary dumbness. 

I loved all of her and I wanted to tell her why I stared 

But I knew I couldn't I could never love her because I myself was a her. 

AN: Damn I thought that was a plot twist anyone else...no okay then, I'll just write about sad homosexuals else-where . Also I didn't give them names did that add to the mystique or am I just a bad author who forgot we will never know. 

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