En Garde

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Disclaimer: This is a oneshot based of my cringy grade 7 writing, thankfully the rest of the story has already been unpublished 

-Leroy Pov-

I took a deep breath before pulling my mask on

I'd been sparring outside when he decided to watch, and well... I've spent my entire life under peoples eyes and it was never this hard to pretend at least it usually wasn't. Just something about this man made it so hard to lie.

That feeling of unconscious vulnerability took him so off guard that he'd landed face first.

Standing there the sun behind him dark hair falling in tufts on his face while he leaned against the wall smirking, like he knew he looked like some Greek god.

He'd strutted up and asked for a bout like he wasn't talking to the son of the largest and most powerful emperor in the world.

Leroy was clad in a classic white fencing uniform while Eli was dressed in a simple creme half tucked shirt.

It was a rather peculiar sight a prince whose very aura emitted wealth standing equal with someone looked like he was dragged in from the slums.

Never the less both men refused to look at anything other then each other as the world around them melted away, the only thing left victory or defeat...

Leroy lunged forward with deadly speed which Eli easily dodged pivoting to the right side and sneaking in a point.

They had been at this for hours striking, missing and doing it all over again. Leroy was a panting mess while Eli didn't look like he had broken a sweat in fact he looked like he was having fun messing with this little prince and that only made Leroy more determined.

The guards who had been in such awe of the fight had just finished their shift and begrudgingly left to switch out without seeing who won.

The sound of heavy armor shifting got Eli's attention as his eyes shifted to the guards walking around the corner.

The guards rest station was usually located next to the dungeon especially in a castle this size but considering the burnt pieces of hay he smelt on the way here the prisoners probably faced a fate worse than rotting in a cell.

Which could only mean that the guards were going to the basement.

The guests were all given rooms with windows and like most selfish rich fat men they despise seeing joy which means anyplace seen through a window was out of the question.

The only other places were in the castle but that.......OR under the castle.

The basement of course.

After figuring this out the rest was basic math calculating the weight of the armor, the incline of the path and the weight of the guards he knew he had more then enough time to mess with his prince.

"Come on prince boy lets play a real match" he spit out trying to provoke the boy bent over his knees exhausted.

Leroy didn't reply just walked to the other side of the piste and got into a starting position chuckling Eli did the same, an arm folded behind his back while he pointed his blade straight up.

Not waiting a second more Eli started the match

"Engarde. Pret. Allez!"

Eli advanced in fast strides while Leroy stepped back just as quickly but Eli was unrelenting.

Forward, forward, forward. Leroy sunk further and further back, his heart was pumping and he knew he had to do something he wasn't going to lose to this scum but his legs were anchors and his arms were dead from hours of playing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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