All over again P2

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Men am I right?

Atop the rail the Siren Queen surveyed the group of scared shitless

"Pathetic" she spat out

Down below she had been enjoying the cool water and gentle currents.

It was a serene experience that just didn't expire.

Until of course a ship anchored right above her favourite spot.

Still no harm no foul the shade made for chilly waters, it wasn't the bone chilling cold waters that made her feel alive.

But it was nice.


Stupid Stupid humans and their dumb dumb guns.

She had lay there for nearly an hour as she was rained down upon with cannons.

Of course those puny round shots proved to be no threat to someone of her status, but lord were those blasted things annoying.

It was like fly always buzzing by her ear, at first its nothing but then eventually you would to end its existence atom by atom.

She shot above the water taking a seat on the rails, and for dramatic flair because like her Mother had taught her A Queen must always make an entrance she had a wave crash down behind her.

But now above the water she was vexed.

Not only had they disturbed the most relaxing part of her afternoon but they had the audacity to be nothing more than a group of wusses.

Clinging on to each other like that would stop her tearing of there limbs.

Her eyes eventually found a young brunette.

He had an air of authority which in this case just meant he wasn't cowering behind a barrel like the one with the stupid hat was.

The lad was smart, in all her life well most of it she had only met three types of land dwellers.

The ones who scared out of their mind the moment they saw her, as they should be.

The stupid ones with that crumbling sense of heroism who believed that some surge of confidence would help them defeat her.

And well the special ones.

She smiled at the brunette.

But it was far more haunting than anything.

"I have to say" She drawled out

"This isn't going to be as fun as I thought it would be" she eyed the men who only cowered more under her eye.


"Jeez could you guys keep it down a girl's trying to sleep"

The almighty Siren queen interrupted by a yawning girl.

She had short flame red hair that was currently sticking up in every direction and a pair of piercing blue eyes.

Her attire had been lazily throwed on and her laces undone.

"What's going on cap" she whispered in a tired morning voice.

But what was really surprising was that she addressing the idiot with the stupid cap.

And considering his face he knew his cover was blown, he immediately stood up clearing his throat trying to bring back his crippling dignity.

"You mage, attack her and be- demand the gold castle that d-demon lives in" he lifted a shaky hand and pointed at the Siren chilling on his ship.

Who just raised an amused brow at his antic.

The air chilled, the Captain if you could even call him that had just openly declared his defiance against not only a Siren but the Siren Queen. He had basically signed the death sentence for him and his crew.

The ones who had been sobbing before no longer had tears to cry and just fell to the floor.

"So like I challenge her to a duel or sumthin. I'm confused Cap can I have breakfast first"

"N-No you impudent prick fight her n-now"

The girl just scrunched up her nose pouting "fine"

The aura changed once again as her childish persona melted away revealing a powerful sorceress who was getting paid 40 crowns and hour (minimum wage) to ensure that this captain got what he wanted. 

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