Part 4; Freedom

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Mom lifted a foot as she looked down and saw herself staring into the flammable liquid that surrounded her. "Go ahead, I killed my parents at your age," she said.
"I'm not a murderer like you! I mean not to anyone who didn't deserve it." Bean exclaimed.
The tension in the air was thick. Luci and I looked at each other worriedly.
"Did Elfo deserve to die?" Mom asked.
"That was just.. cold." I butted in.
Bean sighed. She's just letting mom get to her. She needs to defend herself.
"Bean.. it wasn't your fault," I said. I don't want her to be manipulated by mom again.
"Face it, you're just as self-serving as I am." Mom started, "now put on the crown and together we will make our wildest dreams come true!"
I frowned. This gal is desperate I tell ya.
Luci grunted pushing at the door. Suddenly he slips right under the door crack with a "Bewoop!"
"Luci? Uhh what are you doing? And why'd you choose to do that JUST NOW?!" I whispered.
"Relax chump. I got this" He was muffled as he spoke from the other side of the thick rock door.
"My dream was to have MY MOTHER back," Bean said in a confident tone, "Now that I have you, I realize I was better off before."
"Aw man, I can't wait to get out of here! You're no mother.. you're just cruel!" I yelled.
Bean held out the candle, ready to drop it into the flammable liquids all mixed on the floor.
"Go ahead, like mother, like daughter." Mom exclaimed.
"I am NOT like you." Bean demanded.
And in that second, Luci burst the door down.
"Got it! It was unlocked, but I was pushing instead of pulling." Luci blurted. I rolled my eyes at him. Bean fell from impact of getting hit, and dropped the candle. I helped her up immediately, but it was too late.

The candle started rolling down each step with a thud as it hit the rock over and over, until it plopped into the water. If you were to blink, you would have missed it. The whole room went up in flames in a second! The impact sent us flying and we all slammed into the opposite wall. I grunted.
"I'm sure she's fine! Let's run away and not check." Luci stammered.
"Yeah I agree, can we get outta here now?" I added.
"We gotta take Jerry with us!" Bean yelled. She grabbed onto Luci's hand and I grabbed onto his.
as we sprinted out of the castle- still don't know what to call that creepy building- we headed to the temple where the ceremony took place. Oh no... I hope Jerry's alright.

There he was. Lying on the floor with his pet hammer in his head. My only trustworthy friend until Bean, dead.
"What the hell?! Jerry... no..." I said in shock. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes as my breath started to get shaky. I tried to calm down and focus on the bigger things at hand. I can't let the past come back to me like this. I have to focus on escaping this place. For good.
"Hell of a body count you've racked up here Bean.. I'm impressed! But it'll never top what you did to elfo!" Luci added.
Bean sighed. I've never met Elfo, but I know enough about him to feel sad about his death.
"Elfo.. wherever you are.. I'm sorry." Bean said in mourning.
Suddenly, the oracle fire turned blue! And it started to.. what do you call it... scratch..? I'm not too sure. But a squeaky little voice came from inside of it.
"I'm in heaven! Who is this?" The voice shrilled annoyingly.
Bean turned around and gasped.
"E- Elfo?! is that you?!"
That's Elfo's voice.? Woah.
We all stood around the fire.. waiting to see what Elfo would say next.
"LADY! You're the one that called ME!" Elfo yelled.
"Why's he being so rude? Jeez, dude!" I added. I was shortly interrupted though.
"Hellooooo? I cant- you- are you not-" Elfo was cutting out like crazy.
Luci butted in, "There might be a way to bring Elfo back!"
"What?!" Bean and I whispered in unison.
"From Heaven?!" I asked. You can't use the stairs for that..
"How?!" Bean chimed in.
"Usually death is a one way ticket.. though I can't get to heaven but if Elfo can meet us in Hell.. I know a way out!" Luci exclaimed.
"That's.. basically asking him to resort to eternal damnation.." I replied worriedly.
Bean looked back into the fire with a spark of hope.. get it? Spark? Whatever.
"Elfo! it's me! Bean! I - I miss you! I'm so sorry for everything I-"
"I'm hearing every other word I'm- a- I- hello??"
"Nevermind just- meet us in HELL."
"I.. can't.. sorry I'm.. literally hearing only one syllable."
"Elfo!! GO TO HELL! I- I know I say that a lot but this time I mean it... LITERALLY!" Luci interrupted.
"Wow.. okay I heard that. Screw you jerko!"
"N-no go to HELL. The place down below!" Bean yelled.
The fire started spitting and sparking again as it faded from blue back to green.
"You'd think for a guy chillin' up in heaven he'd be a lot less of a douche.." I added as I crossed my arms. I remembered the cut on my hand and it started to sting. "Ow! Damn!" I yelled. I re-wrapped the cloth on my hand and added a little more. Man.. this dress is torn.

"Okay, Luci how do we get to Hell?"
"Well, we could kill a priest.. or.. I could do this!"
Luci jumped off the table and headed over to the lever on the wall. I've noticed he makes funny little noises while he's focused on doing things. I couldn't help but giggle. He gave me a weird look but kept on doing what he was doing.
Bean looked at me.. then at Luci being stupid and started to giggle with me.
He gave us a death stare.
"Bingawingadingadingadoo!" Luci hummed as he grabbed the lever.
He grunted, swung himself on top of it, and started to jump on it as the lever was starting to go down.
A giant hole in the floor started to open up. There were lots.. and lots of stairs with no railings spiraling down into.. literal Hell. I seem to have forgotten how intimidating these stairs can be.
"Come on!" bean started. She walked towards the stairs with no hesitation.
"Woahwoahwoah Hell is dangerous. I- if they find you down there.. you'll be stuck for eternity! You familiar with a hot poker? When you're down there it's like.. where DON'T they stick them? Yaknow?" Luci explained.
"Oh man. I've never even gotten past the gates.." I shuddered at the hot poker thought.
"Wait- what?! Why has everyone here been to hell?!" Bean jumped in with confusion.
Luci continued, "Plus, the chances of finding Elfo in a place as big as Hell? slim to none!"
"B- but there IS a chance right? I have to take it!" Bean yelled.
"I'm in too.. I have nothing to lose! So why the Hell not? I saved you two.. why not save another dude!" I commented.
"You're gonna need this.." Luci handed us the demon suits. Mine, which looked ten sizes too small, and Cloyd's, which was in Dagmar's closet for.. some reason.?
"Aww this suit was given to me on my first demon pick up test! Glad these are one size fits all." I said happily as I lightly tugged at the suit.
Bean looked at the suits, and then at Luci with a pissed expression.
"Hell is full of fashion disasters, okay?" He responded to her judgemental eyes.

Just as we were about to take our first steps into hell.. I heard a rip. It was Bean's hair. Dagmar pulled her back by her hair and threw her to the ground. Also, I'm not calling that witch mom anymore.. Hell no.
Dagmar grabbed the crown and held it out. "Put on the crown Bean!" She demanded.
Luci took a running head start up to Dagmar.. but she kicked him straight into the hell hole along with the demon suits.
I snuck up from behind.. but she grabbed me by my weak hand and shoved me into the hole as well.
"BEAN NO!" I yelled as I was falling to my death.
I screamed. The hole seemed like it was going forever. I tried to reach the stairs.. when I saw a resting point as I was falling.
"HEY- GOD WHAT'S HER NAME- BEAN'S SISTER! GRAB THE DEMON SUIT QUICKLY!" It was.. Luci?He was hanging over the ledge trying to catch me before I fall to my death.
"Don't mess this up Lina... C'mon." I mumbled.
I grunted and grabbed the suit. Luci pulled me up the best he could. I knew I had to help though. I grabbed the ledge with my right hand and then the left. as I placed my left hand down the pain from my now even more open wound coursed through my body. I fought it and pulled myself up onto the ledge. when I got up, my vision started to fade out out from how much of an impact that sudden stop while falling was. "I hope Bean is... okay... up... there.."


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