Part 13; Dreamland, Arise!

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as we head out of elfwood, the elves formed lines behind us. they hummed their happy little tune as they marched to dreamland.
"they're so in sync.. it's insane!" i laughed as i subtly danced to the tune while we were arriving at dreamland.
"i never thought elfo would be the cool one.." luci exclaimed.
"whistling's for losers! i like to hum." elfo replied as he started to hum the tune.
"come on- the gate's just ahead!" bean said as she grabbed my wrist running into the kingdom.
i stumbled with a laugh as i ran with her. we ran all the way to the courtyard and made it before everyone else.
"elves.. we have all the elves.." i said to the few alive people in the courtyard, out of breath as i pointed behind me.

we decided to plan that we will take the hands of the elves and prick them with a needle, getting the drops of blood to put in the eternity pendant.
an elderly elf jumped up and stuck out his finger to bean. she pricked it and held the pendant below his finger, watching the blood drip into the pendant.
the eternity pendant started to glow and make a soothing ringing noise, ready to be used.. and to successfully work with the blood of a real elf.
"now about that free cookie-" the elf started as bean walked away.
she put the pendant around the neck of a man with a very square hat and a bandage on his arm.
the bandage seemed new and not stonified, so i wondered if zøg broke the statue.. and technically sliced his arm off.. ow.
a bright green light started to shine as i could hear the stone crackle and fade away. i covered my eyes because of how bright the light was, and when i took my hands away the man started to yell.
"ohh why did i ever work in this lousy kingg... dom!... well this is awkward." he said, realizing where he was and what was happening.
"one down, six thousand-ish to go." bean said as she took the pendant off of the man's neck.
as the pirate men brought stonified people over and the elves brought well- elves over, people were coming back to life one by one!
every time someone got un-stonified they would be yelling something mid sentence- and every time, i would laugh.
"it's hilarious how the last thing these people did was decide to speak instead of sprint to the ocean." i sighed.
"hey.. purple goo moves fast!" zøg replied.
the pirates then brought over a woman with a cloak over her head.. who looked strangely familiar...
"whatcha say, wanna make this official?" zøg smiled at oona.
"oh zøggy i thought you'd never ask!" oona said back with a smile, holding her hands happily.
the woman was un-stoned and she held out a paper for them to sign. she had a purple cloak, which i could have sworn i've seen in my life..
zøg and oona signed and the woman in
the cloak yelled, "DII-VORCE!"
i clapped for them while continuing to be suspicious of the woman.

as we un-stonified all the citizens of dreamland, we stepped over to the knights and brought the elves to their statued bodies. i looked at pendergast as the wizard of the kingdom walked over and put the pendant around his neck delicately. the eternity pendant sparked and sent that same glowing purple light around him that it did to the others. i backed away slowly as the light got brighter. he started to move as he let out a yell.

"tell the princess i lov... oh! princess! and.. other.. princess?" he said with an awkward chuckle as he bowed to us, "sire." he nodded his head towards zøg.

"excuse me?" bean said as she walked closer. i laughed as pendergast scratched the back of his neck.
"pendergast! oh it's good to have my knights back." zøg cheered as he clapped at pendergast's revival.

i walked over to pendergast and stood before him as he looked at me up and down, then looked at bean.
"shocker, i know." i laughed as i studied his features further. his wounded eye with a patch over it, scruffy hair, and metal armor that is worn from years of hard work and battling i assumed.
"the name's avelina. bean's maruvian sister, blame dagmar for my late appearance." i sighed and held my hand out to shake his, putting my other hand on my hip. i winced and looked at the cloth covering my hand still, remembering the wound.
"it's a- pleasure to meet you, your highness." he grabbed my wounded hand, instead of shaking my right hand, and examined it.
"want me to clean this up for you.? that looks like an intense wound." he said with a concerned look on his face.
knowing well that i could easily fix this up with the right things when i got in the castle, i wanted to learn more about pendergast. so, i played dumb.
"uh- yeah.. that'd be nice!" i smiled as he fixed the cloth on my hand.
"oh my god- lina you were using your shirt this whole time?! we need to get you a new one. asap." bean sighed as she looked at my slightly bare stomach from my ripped up t-shirt.
"it's fine bean" i chuckled as i turned around to look at her while leaving my hand steady for pendergast.
"just looking out for my sister." she said with a warm smile, "now go! get that wound fixed up before you lose an arm.." she half-joked.

leading me up to sorcerio's room of potions and books, pendergast pulled up a chair and grabbed a.. medical kit? it was a brown bag that popped open with concerning looking bandages and bottles inside. i sat down and unwrapped my hand gently.
"jeez. i'm shocked this hand lasted for so long, i haven't been able to treat it with proper medication in days.. it was a pretty rough slice too." i sighed, looking to see if the cut had scarred over yet.
"princess.. how did you manage to gain a wound so severe as this.?" pendergast said as he brought over supplies and kneeled next to me.
i placed my hand steady on my leg as he started to "treat it".
"well.. it's a very long and hard to believe story but to sum it up.. bean was supposed to put this crown of screws on her head for a prophecy dagmar had let curse her family and.. i knocked it so hard out of her hands that one of the screws sliced me right open. that was days ago- even weeks. i can't quite remember. the passage of time has been messing with my brain." i chuckled.
pendergast looked at me as he listened to every word i said. he has focus and care in his eyes that i haven't seen from anyone before, because well- i've been caring for bean and she's been too scared for her life to be this calm and open eared.
"i see.. i apologize if the wrapping hurts but i'm almost done-" he smiled lightly as he wrapped the bandaging around my hand one last time before tucking the end into place. "there. i hope you get better, and welcome to dreamland m'lady." he said as he stood up, holding his hand out for me to stand up with him. i grabbed it and looked at the bandage.
"thank you so much pendergast, you truly are noble. i'll- see you around?" i said with a smile, brushing myself off.
"oh- uh- yes of course! duty calls-" he said as he ran to the door and opened it for me, putting his arm out to allow me to exit first.
i walked out into the halls as i felt the bandage on my hand. i turned around to him and smiled, and ran off to find bean.

with luci and elfo nowhere in sight, i decided to wander until i saw a recognizable door from the oracle fire. i knocked on it and bean came out.
"lina!" bean ran up to me with a hug, "just the person i wanted to see! i got clothes and a bed space set up for you just up those stairs. we're having a huge welcome party for you and the elves, who are moving into the streets of dreamland, and you need your rest! we can pick out dresses tomorrow and we'll have an amazing time!" bean said with a smile.
i ran up to grab the clothes and check out the bed space.
"bean!! this is amazing!! ah thank you so so much! you're the greatest sibling anyone could ask for." i said with a laugh, man i am so happy to be home!
"of course lina." she smiled as she walked over to her bed and set it up.
we exchanged goodnights and went to sleep, and finally, for the first time, i was able to go to sleep feeling i was where i belong.

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