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I'm not a good guy. But I know you're mine 

"Harry?" Zayn had gasped, staring at the sight in front of him in disbelief. He couldn't believe his own eyes and blinked several times to make sure this wasn't some fever dream. "Stupid? You did something stupid? Harry, doing something stupid is wearing the wrong socks to work or I don't know, forgetting to use a condom. Kidnapping the prime minister's son is insane, it's a crime which will put you in jail, probably a lot longer than he was and he actually killed people. What the fuck have you done Styles?" Zayn carded a hand through his long black hair in worry, having not properly spared a glance at Madison, who was sitting bound to a chair, the floor and the rest of Harry's apartment covered with plastic, showing that Harry had thought this through, this wasn't a spur of the moment decision. 

The minute Zayn had gotten the call, he had rushed towards Harry's home, scared he had done something to harm himself. But much to his surprise, Harry had forced Zayn to wear gloves and put plastic covers on his shoes only for him to enter the house to find a gagged and bound Madison, wearing nothing but his underwear, shivering in the coldness of the room, staring at Zayn with pleading eyes, thinking he was here to save him. This whole set up, everything about what happened that night, showed Zayn that Harry put a lot of thought into this, that he had been planning this for a while now and he didn't quite know how to react to that, whether to be scared or impressed but what he knew for sure was perhaps he was not the one who needed to be seeing a psychologist. 

"Zayn, I,I" Harry stammered over his words, unable to explain himself. He had been planning this for so long, for so long he had been waiting for the release of his wife's killer, knowing exactly how he wanted to exact his revenge without getting caught. The night before this, he had stayed outside Madison's prison, watching him get released and followed the killer to a remote lake house in the middle of nowhere. Harry knew there wouldn't be too many cars or people, just a few security men, the Prime Minister wanted all of this as quiet as possible hoping the public had forgotten about the monstrous deeds of his son. But, Harry hadn't forgotten and he never would. He read everything there was to read about John fucking Madison and he gathered that the man was a rebel, willing to do anything to spite his father or ruin his public image and, he loved girls. So when Harry had placed a fake advertisement to a fake strip club on a tree near the house, watching as Madison stopped to look at it during a walk the morning after his release, guards stood protectively behind him, he knew that Madison would sneak out that night to visit said strip club, at least he hoped. To Harry's luck or, just as his shockingly cunning mind had predicted, Madison jumped over the large walls of his lake house,  his temporary hiding place, and attempted to make his way out the dense forest towards the strip club. He was stupid, honestly, and at that point Harry had decided that he probably wanted to die, just for being that stupid. It was after his brief breakdown at Zayn's home and he had waited for Madison to be a good distance from his lake house before sedating him with the two syringes of Heroine he had stolen from Zayn's home, Zayn had once told Harry how he tried to kill himself with it and Harry knew he wouldn't miss it. It had been a struggle, getting Madison from the forest to his home, but he was grateful for the late night and the remoteness of his own home. And so, there they were now, Madison bound and gagged in a chair, Zayn staring back at Harry in disbelief and Harry staring back with tears streaming down his face. 

"Zayn, "Harry repeated before ultimately breaking down. His knees buckled and he fell to the floor, Zayn going down as well as he tried to catch him. "I'm not ok Zayn, I'm not, I pretend I am, like I've got all of this together but I don't Z, I don't." Harry sobbed, his gloved hands, clutching onto Zayn's coat. "I was a mess, when she died, unable to get out of bed and do anything, it was so bad that Ava had to live with my sister for awhile and eventually I pulled through, yes, I pulled through because of her. I needed to be there for her but what kept me going, what kept a smile on my face everyday and stopped me from just jumping off of the nearest cliff, is him and the promise I made myself, that one day, I'd get to end his life, just like he ended Maddie's. Everyday since I made that promise, I researched ways to get to him, to kill him, inflict all the pain he had put me through without getting caught. I've dreamed of this moment, Z , the moment where I'd get to run a knife over his skin, hearing his screams of pain, the same pain Maddie was in. I dreamed of this moment and I thought his death was what I wanted but now, I can't. Ava, she can't have a killer as a father? How can I teach her what's good and what's bad if I've killed someone in our own home? And you, Z, you deserve someone better than a killer and you've inspired me, you're such a good and pure person, you'd never be able to hurt someone and you'd never be able to love a killer. I'm not a good guy, I'm a terrible guy." Harry sobbed into his hands, "I'm insane Zayn, I'm out of my mind, what's wrong with me?" 

Zayn had been silent this whole time, sitting on his heels as he stared at a broken in Harry in shock. Never, never had he seen this kind of a plot twist coming, he couldn't imagine the sweet and innocent Harry who had been baking in his kitchen a few days prior, a killer, or at least almost a killer, in front of him. But, as confusing and as fucked up as it may sound, Zayn understood and he loved Harry even more for this.

"Harry," He whispered softly, pulling his hands away from his crying face. "You're not crazy ok? You're not insane, you're just a grieving man who did what he thought was best to cope with the pain. You're not a killer, you haven't killed him and you won't because you're a good person, a good father, don't you ever ever forget that. I love you and your crazy head, I love you and your pain, I love you and your daughter, I love you Harry." Zayn said and Harry looked up at him with blurry eyes;

"You love me?" He whispered in disbelief.

"Yes, Harry, I love you, I don't know in what way yet but all I know is that I love you." The pair's candid moment was interrupted by the loud whining from Madison and both their heads snapped towards him. "Will you shut up?" Zayn and Harry exclaimed at the same time, giving Madison a menacing glare before turning to face each other again. 

"Ok," Harry gulped, standing up and helping Zayn do the same. "What do we now then? We can't just release him, he's seen our faces. We'd be done for."

"Uhm, shit, you're right, we can-" Zayn's words were interrupted by a loud crash and the sickening sound of something, someone's head, hitting concrete. In the midst of Harry and Zayn's conversation, Madison had been wriggling around to free himself but unfortunately, or fortunately, the leg of the chair snapped and he went tumbling backwards, head smashing against the the small concrete step leading towards Harry's kitchen. His lifeless eyes stared blankly at sealing while a pool of blood formed around his smashed skull, he was dead.

There was silence at first, as the two men stared at lifeless body in shock, before harry began to cry loudly. "Zayn, Zayn, I've killed him, I'm a killer. "Harry cried, eyes looking around wildly while he pulled at his hair in frustration. "I'm going to jail, I can't go to jail, Ava needs me, she needs me and I need her." 

Zayn had silently been watching the crimson colour around Madison's head increase, face pale and gaunt, eyes blinking slowly as he tried to process things. Ever since he arrived at the house, he hadn't spared the man a proper glance, but now that he had, he was dead. He expected to be filled with rage at the sight of the man, to be filled so much inconsolable anger but that wasn't the case, no, he was at peace. Maybe it was because the man was dead, or maybe it was because of all the therapy sessions he was getting, whatever it was, Zayn was at peace and an unlikely smile crept on to his face.

"Harry." He said, slowly turning to face the panicked mind, grabbing hold of his jittery hands. "Harry look at me, it'll be alright. You're not going to jail, Harry look at me." Harry's nervous eyes rested on Zayn but his breathing was still erratic. Zayn held on to Harry's cheeks with both his hands, sending him a comforting smile, one that made Harry melt into his chest. "You're not a killer ok? Yes, you kidnapped him but, you didn't push him to the floor or smash his skull in, he did that to himself not you. Do you understand?" Harry nodded weakly, tears streaming down his face. "Good, now I need you to listen to me very, very carefully."

A/N: Oh shit, I bet a lot of you guy's weren't expecting that now were you? Anyway, stream to begin again! And, don't forget to vote! Final chapter is up next!

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