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Like you come into the picture, when I start to feel like something's missing.

As the weeks passed by and quickly turned into months, Harry and Ava's visits to the farm became frequent as strong friendships were formed and natural routines took places. Zayn often baby sat Ava, picking her up from school whenever Harry had to work late or was unable to get her in time.

"Hey." He 'd say nervously through the phone while Zayn fed the chickens with a foolish grin on his face all because he had heard Harry's voice.

"Hi." Zayn would respond, "What can I help you with this fine morning?" And Harry would laugh, laugh as if he had just made the funniest joke in the world, introducing a red tint to Zayn's face that he was grateful Harry couldn't see.

"I need a massive favour from you."

"No, I'm sorry, I've tried but I can't resurrect our deceased wives from the dead. Sadly, Jesus didn't leave a handbook or instructions." Zayn would then joke miserably and Harry would sigh, still not used to Zayn's bleak outlook and dreary sense of humor.

"Haha, but uhm, could you pick Ava up from school and keep her with you for a couple of hours? It's wedding season and I've got a rush of orders and-"

"Harry relax, I'd be more than happy to. Ava's perhaps the only human being on this planet I still like."

"Hey, what about me? Don't you like me?" Harry pouted, although Zayn couldn't see him, he could practically hear it through the phone.

"You don't understand Styles, I'd die for your five year old, I'd quite literally take a knife or a bullet to the chest for that girl. But you? I guess I like you just a bit, only a little bit though." Harry's heart fluttered at his words, something about Zayn being so protective over Ava, a child that wasn't even his, that made him so attractive. Whenever Harry had these thoughts it filled him up with so much guilt. Yes, it had been a little over a years since Madeline's death and he knows its ok to move on and be interested in other people, but, he felt bad, he loved Madeline, he loved her so much and he just felt like he owed her a lot more than a year before thinking about other people.

Most of the time, when Harry was finally finished with work and had gotten round to picking Ava up from Zayn's house, she was either dressed and ready to go, or Zayn would ask him to stay for dinner, or she'd be asleep on Zayn's large sofa, cuddled with Bella and a vast array of blankets. Harry had remembered this one time he had come, the door was open and he rushed into the house worried, only to see Ava on asleep on Zayn's chest, while Zayn was asleep on the couch as well, arm stretched out and the book he was reading Ava slipping out his grip, it physically hurt him to have wake them up but he knew he had to but he remembered to snap a quick picture beforehand.

Zayn found himself waking up a little less lonely, a little less angry and a little less in pain. He still listened to his wife's voice mail, and watched their videos, but now, instead of doing this with a heavy heart and a will to end it all, he watched with a fond smile, a tear escaping his eyes out of the sorrow of what he's lost instead of the usual affliction and anger that tortured his soul. He'd wake up, eagerly hoping that he'd get to see his two favourite pair of green eyes, one belonging to a little girl that now owned a large part of his heart and the other belonging to her father who brought out a light in him that he didn't know he still had.

The day Ava had her first temper tantrum in front of Zayn came much to Harry's dismay but simultaneously worked massively in his favour. He had just finished work and was tired, ready to hit the bed but then he remembered he still had to pick Ava up from Zayn's and then also still go  grocery shopping before making dinner and getting some of Ava's laundry done, there was still a lot be done and Harry looked at it all with so much dread, he just wanted to relax, he needed a break and he wished more than anything that Madeline was there to help him out. But she wasn't and Harry just had to accept that. He sent Zayn a text that he was on his way who replied seconds later that the front door was open so he could just come in. True to his word, the front door was open and Harry lethargically walked into the oddly silent farmhouse. With a frown on his face, he looked around the living room and dining room and found no one, he then checked the kitchen and to his pleasure he could see through Zayn's large kitchen window, Zayn and Ava laughing as they played in his garden. Ava was in Zayn's arms as he spun her around quickly, Ava's loud giggles to be heard even from inside. Harry looked at the pair with a fond smile on his face, the serenity of this scene almost making him cry. Eventually Zayn spotted Harry and waved to him before he carried Ava on his hip and walked inside.

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