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In Professor Ozpin's office, Toadsworth, Rosalina, Cappy and Professor E. Gadd were there, talking with the Ozpin, Glynda, and Ironwood.

"I must say Professor Ozpin," said Toadsworth, "This school is a very well established academy."

"Thank you," said Ozpin.

"And I must say," said E. Gadd, "the technology that your Kingdom has is amazing to me, General."

"Thank you," said Ironwood.

"Now," said Toadsworth, I am Toadsworth, Steward of Princess Peach. The white hat here is Cappy, and I believe you already know Professor E. Gadd and Princess Rosalina, guardian of the cosmos."

"Indeed," said Ozpin, "I must say, it is very intriguing to know that there are other beings in the universe. May I ask more about your home?"

"Well, it all started when the Marios were working on plumbing and opened a warp zone to the Mushroom Kingdom..."

And the Toadsworth and Rosalina recounted the events that the heroes had told them.

"Interesting," said Ozpin, "Team MPLY never mentioned anything about these Power Stars and Moons. Are they some sort of secret weapons?"

"No, they're our world's main power source," said Toadsworth, "As well as Rosalina's. If the Power Stars were taken, we would be stranded here."

"Well," said Ozpin, "I hope you all enjoy your stay."

"Yes," said E. Gadd, "I must say, those 'Creatures of Grimm' have really caught my attention. I believe that they would go well with my studies of ghosts!"

"Ghosts?" asked Glynda.

"Yes, I'm a paranormal expert. I study things that are quite unique, and I even have some ghost catching equipment. Maybe I could make some Grimm catching equipment and have Luigi and Gooigi go and catch some."

"You can't use a vacuum for the machine," said Cappy, as they headed to the elevator.

"I don't trust this one bit Ozpin," said Ironwood, full of suspicion.

"I know," said Ozpin, "but if they were to do anything that would disgrace their home, and the heroes, they would regret it."

In combat class, Pyrrha won against Team CRDL. Cardin said that she got a lucky shot.

"The winner is Pyrrha Nikos. Well done Miss Nikos, I see no issues with you competing in the tournament."

"Thank you Professor," said Pyrrha.

"Now I know that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more match. Any volunteers?", continued Glynda.

No one seemed particularly eager, so Glynda chose someone.

"Mrs. Belladonna, you've been rather docile these past few weeks."

Right as she was about to call Blake to the arena, someone volunteered.

"I'll do it", said Mercury.

"Mercury Black was it? Very well, I shall find you an opponent", said Glynda.

Mercury had other ideas.

"Actually, I wanna fight her", he says, pointing to Pyrrha.

"I'm afraid Mrs. Nikos has just finished a match. You'll have to choose someone else."

"No! It's fine. I'd be happy to oblige", says Pyrrha.

Shortly after, the match begins with both opponents circling each other. When it was clear that Pyrrha wasn't gonna charge in, Mercury did instead. He threw a roundhouse kick, which Pyrrha both blocked and countered, resulting in Mercury having to step back and think things through a little more. Unfortunately, Pyrrha charged him next. They traded a bunch of blows and then Pyrrha shield bashes him, pushing him quite the distance.

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