Black and White Part 2

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Blake, Yoshi, Spawny were at the docks, waiting for Sun to arrive and the White Fang.

"Did I miss anything?" asked Sun, as he appeared at last.

"Not really," said Blake, "they've just been offloading the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there."

"Cool, I stole you some food."

Sun then handed an apple, which Yoshi instantly grabbed with his tongue and swallowed.

"Do you always break the law without a second thought?" asked Blake.

"Hey, weren't you in a cult or something?" asked Sun, and Blake just gave him a stare.

"Okay, too soon." Then turbines came and from the ship, the White Fang came out of the ship.

"Yoshi, Yosh Yo Yo Yoshi Yo?(So, that's the White Fang?)"

"Yes," said Blake, "I thought I was right, but I didn't want to accept it."

"Hey! What's the hold up!?!" cried a voice.

The voice belonged to none other than Roman Torchwick, a big time criminal in Vale.

"We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment here, sooo, why don't you animals try to pick up the pace?"

Roman was then punched in the back of the head.

"Hey!" said Roman, "What was that for?"

"Treat them right," said Bowser Junior, "We need to keep them on our side and not have them mad at us! Alright you guys! You heard what Papa said to do: get this Dust moved around."

Then, Goombas and Koopa Troopas came and helped the White Fang move things around.

"Who is that?" asked Sun, pointing at Junior.

"Yoshi Yosh Yo. Yoshi Yoshi Yo Yosh Yo Yoshi Yo. Yoshi Yo Yo Yoshi Yosh Yoshi.(That's Bowser Jr. He's Bowser's son, and the rest of them are called Goombas and Koopa Troopas. They're all part of the Koopa Army.)"

"Koopa?" asked Blake, "You mean like that Bowser Mario fought in the past?"

"Yoshi Yo Yosh. Yoshi Yo Yosh Yoshi Yosh Yo Yo?(That's the one. Also, who is that guy?)"

"That's Roman Torchwick," said Blake, "but the White Fang would never team up with a human. Especially one of his type."

Blake then headed down, and sneaked up on Roman. She put her blade to his throat, and removed her bow, and the White Fang lowered their weapons.

"Brothers of the White Fang, why are you aiding this scum?"

"I thought the same thing too," said a Koopa, "but when I asked Bowser, he just breathed fire on me for questioning his orders."

"Oh ho kid, didn't you get the memo?" asked Roman, "me and the White Fang are on a joint business venture together."

"And the Koopa Army will assist with them, and help us conquer the Mushroom Kingdom!" said Jr.

"Tell me what it is, or I'll put an end to your little operation."

Jr. then used a robo-claw to grab Blake, pinning her arms to her sides, and took her away from Roman. Yoshi just then got out Supa Bwazooka and fired at the claw. 

Elsewhere, the explosion could be seen from the city, and the others hurried off. 

Roman followed Blake, taunting her.

"YO!" said a voice.

Roman looked up and saw Sun and Yoshi jump up, and Yoshi ground pounded, creating a shock wave, knocking over all the bad guys.

"Yoshi?" said another voice.

Everyone turned to see the Marios and Ruby.

"IT'S THE MARIO BROTHERS!" cried a Goomba.

Goombas, Koopas, and some White Fang Members ran to them, but the Marios just jumped on their heads together. Blake was fighting against Roman, when suddenly, a massive green laser got their attention, and everyone saw Penny with floating swords. Luigi took the time to set up a sentry and have it go to Torchwick. Torchwick saw this, but he shot a missile at it, and escaped. 

Everyone else made it, and Weiss walked up to Blake.

"Weiss, wait!" said Ruby, "It's not what you think! She actually has cat ears! They're pretty cute!"

Weiss just ignored Ruby and looked at Blake.

"Weiss," said Blake, I wasn't a member of the White Fang since,..."

"Stop!" said Weiss, "Do you know how long I have been searching for you? 12 hours! So I had 12 hours to think about this."

Everyone braced them for a big scolding.

"I don't care."

Everyone just stared. "I don't care. You're not one of them, are you?"

"Not since,..."

"Bububububu," Weiss interrupted, "you're not one of them. That's all that matters. Just next time something like this happens, come to your teammates and not... someone else."

She then looked at Sun.

"I still don't know how I feel about you."

"Wait," said Ruby, "where's Penny?"

Everyone looked and saw Penny was missing. Penny, meanwhile, was in a car, and the driver said, "You shouldn't run off like that. Your father has been worried about you all day. Don't worry Penny, your time will come."

"Yes sir," said Penny. The car then drove off.

Meanwhile, Ozpin saw the whole thing, and he got a message from a man named Qrow, saying, "The Queen has Pawns."

Ozpin then thought to himself.

Roman and Jr., meanwhile, made it to the hide out, and he was just calmed down.

"I'm very disappointed in you Roman," said a voice.

Roman turned around saw Cinder with her two associates.

"I wasn't expecting to see you so soon," said Roman.

"We were expecting, MORE from you," said Cinder.

"It was you're idea to work with the White Fang and that Dragon Turtle," said Roman, "who is probably as stupid as he is ugly!"


Roman jumped and turned to see Bowser right behind him.

"Papa!" said Jr., "I did the best I could, but then that stupid dinosaur that helps Mario came and..."

"Hey," said Bowser, "I don't blame you. You did the best you could, and you learned from experience."

"Thanks Papa."

"So," said Bowser to Cinder, "any words on the plan?"

"We have big plans," said Cinder, "We just ask for a little cooperation."

Bowser Jr. then got out his boxing gloves in his Clown Copter, and said, "I'm ready."

"You truly do have a very energetic son Bowser," said Cinder, as she lit a flame in her hand.

Meanwhile, in the Mushroom Kingdom, everyone was in a panic.

"Did you find them yet!?!" asked a toad.

"Yes," said a man in a lab coat, "As a matter of fact, I did."

"I can sense them on the planet as well," said a young blonde in a blue dress.

"Let's go!" said a giant purple star.

Three ships, one that was shaped like a hat, another shaped like Mario's head, and one that was a massive ship that looked like an observatory.

"Hang tight guys," said a white top hat, "we'll find you soon."

And with that, all three ships left Earth and headed off to Remnant.

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