The Truth of the world

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Ozpin was in his office, when the elevator beeped, and a man in a military uniform came in.

"Ozpin," said the man.

"James," said Ozpin, "It's good to see you again."

James walked up and said, "You know I love the Vytal Festival."

"Bwah bwah," said a voice.

Ozpin and James looked to see a Rabbid had followed James up here.

"Hello," said Ozpin.

Just then, Glynda came in with Team MPLY and MRRY.

"Glynda, thank you for bringing them. Jame, this is Team MPLY and MRRY. This is James Ironwood, General of the Atlas Military."

"Hello, I'mma Mario."


"Princess Peach."


Just then Beep-0 appeared and said, "There you guys are! Team RWBY wanted to hang out with you guys and... Oh, Hello, I am Beep-0, a physical artificial intelligence. I imagine you met our friends here?"

"Yes," said Ironwood, "Ozpin, who are these people?"

"They appeared during the initiation of some students, and they helped defend them."

Ozpin then told Ironwood everything that the teams told about their past selves.

"Are you sure they are what we are looking for?" asked Ironwood.

"I think they're exactly what we're looking for."

"What do you mean?" asked Peach.

"Tell me, do you believe in fairy tales?" Ozpin, Ironwood and Goodwitch began telling them all about Salem, the Silver eyed warriors, the relics, and the maidens.

"So, any word on Salem?" asked Beep-0.

"Yosh Yoshi Yo Yosh Yo Yo Yoshi? Yoshi Yosh?(Also, what's with all the ships? Is Salem attacking?)"

"Yoshi, I'mma sure it's nothing," said Mario, "Yoshi wants to know what-a the ships are for."

"The ships are my doing," said Ironwood, "I have brought my army with me for security measures."

"I don't know," said Peach, "I'm a princess, and even I don't show this much power. Only Bowser does, because he just wants to start a war for fun."

"I imagine he does," said Ironwood.

"We can't leave now," said Luigi, "we need to help out!"

"Before you go," said Ozpin, "there is something we need to show you." 

Ozpin then brought everyone down to a secret level where a woman with a massive scar on her face and within a pod connected to a machine.

"This is Amber, the current fall maiden. She had half of her power taken, and we wish to choose someone to be the next fall maiden so we may have a chance."

"I believe that we have a request," said Glynda.

The three then looked at Peach and Ozpin said, "We wish for you to be the next Fall Maiden."

Peach looked at Ozpin and said, "I'm sorry, but, I don't think I can hold that responsible. Especially since I get kidnapped very often."

"Very well," said Ozpin, "Is there a way for you to heal her? I believe that you have power ups that could help?"

"Yes," said Mario, "But the power up we need, the 1-up Mushroom, is back in the Mushroom Kingdom."

"We will help," said Luigi.

"Thank you Luigi," said Ozpin, "you may go and be with the others. Please do not tell them any of this."

"Hey," said Beep-0, "What's that Rabbid doing down here?"

Everyone then saw the Rabbid that followed Ironwood scooting his butt on the top of the pod.

"Sorry," said Beep-0, "Rabbids do that to mark things they like." 

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