Let me explain..

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Alison's P.O.V
We arrived at Stefan and Damon's house. The house that used to be mine as well. Gee. After all these years it still looked nice. I walk in and sit on the couch nervously. Stefan walks in the front door.
"What's going on?" He asked Damon.

"This girl here. Alison. Claims she is our sister"

"That's not possible." Stefan replies. "Hey, wait aren't you the girl from school?" He asked me.

"Yes..." I reply

"But look," Damon says. "Show him the picture Alison"
I pulled out the picture. Stefan walks up and his eyes widen.

"Where did you get that?" He spat.

"I told you, I'm your sister. Mother gave me that when I left."

"Where did you go? Why did father never mention you" asked Stefan.

"Around the time I was ten years old, the vampires started to come to Mystic Falls. Father feared for my safety as another girl had been attacked. He shipped me off to live in Paris with some close family friends that knew about the so-called Vampires, they promised to protect me."

"Well how did you turn and why did Father not send us?" Damon interrogated

"Father tried to send you but, Mother died and they wouldn't let you on the ship, you were too young. I attended an all girl private school and after 4 years. I got a little rebellious. I fell in love with a French boy named Julius. We were madly in love only to find out. He was a vampire. As time passed and I got older I asked him to turn me. He did. It was perfect till one day he crossed paths with an original vampire. It killed him. To this day I don't know which one but I still seek my revenge."
Everything was silent as Damon and Stefan soaked this all in.

"Wait wait wait. What if this is just a bullcrap story and your lying to us."

" what that I'm a vampire?" He nods. All of a sudden my eyes get all veiny and dark, my fangs grow out and I hiss as I use my vamp speed to be up the stairs in a flash.

"And I have this" I say as I walk down the hall into my old room. " Hey! This was my room!" Now it's some crappy office, Hey check it out!" I go into the closet and search with my hands for the loose board. I find it, push it aside and I see it. All the memories of Damon, Stefan and I. Drawings, my old dresses. My mothers clothes and Jewelry. Damon and Stefan are shocked.
We hear the front door open. "Damon! Stefan! Are you home?!" It's. Elena.

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