The bbq

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We all woke up in the morning with epic hangovers. Well. Bonnie and Elena did. Today was Sunday, August 21st. The annual founding families bbq. It was 7:00am when Caroline jumped, waking us up.
"Ahhh! It's 7 already!!im supposed to be helping out at the bbq!"
"Dammit care shut up my head is killing me" snapped Elena.
"For real" Bonnie added while massaging her temples. Caroline grabbed her clothes and things hurriedly and starting getting ready. She was vamp-speeding all over the house rushing.
"Bye guys! See u in a bit!" She called and we all just looked at each other then went back to bed. The bbq started at 10 so we were okay for sleeping.

When we finally did wake up I got dressed and put on white short shorts, a flowy, floral tank top and brown sandals and just for the fun of it I curled my hair. You never know what cute boys you'll meet.

We arrived at the park and it was sweet. The whole town was there and Elena and I entered a hula hoop contest. We were laughing, and failing,Out of the corner of my eye I saw a cute man smirking at me. I smiled back. Hmm who is this guy? I tried to follow him but he was gone.

At the end of the night there was a bonfire and everyone was out there. I decided to take a walk in the woods for a little and I saw him. Feeding. He stopped immediately when he heard me coming. He vamp speeded up to me, put his hands on my shoulders about to compel me.
"Dude wtf are you doing!" I swatted his arm off. He grabbed a tighter hold and I vamp- speeded away. He probably thought I was a human looking back so he tried to compel me to forget. Looking back I was kinda rude about that. I went back to the beach panting a little bit.
"You alright?" Stefan asked while putting a hand on my shoulder. We starting walking towards everyone and the fire.
"Never been better." I said while looking back, he was walking out of the woods to his car and he gave me that same smirk. 😏 who is that guy???

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