Deidoro Sakaki

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Deidoro shot up into a sitting position, taking deep breaths from the bad dream he had just had. He brushed back his long black hair from his sweaty forehead. The back of his neck felt clammy when his cold hands touched his skin. He grumbled, rubbing the back of his hand over his cheek.

He still remembers the sounds of bottles breaking against the wall and children laughing from his bad dream.

Deidoro rubbed his hands down his face as he remembered the night before. Strangely, he feels sober. He slowly gets out of bed and walks over to his bedroom door. He peeks the door open to see all the doors around him, knowing that the others were sleeping inside their rooms. The others apart from Rappa and the others don't know yet.

He swallowed before he stumbles his way down the stairs. From one look at the windows, the sun hasn't come up yet. Wow, he hasn't woken up this early since...

...he doesn't know how long it has been.

When Izuku found him, Sakaki was hanging off the couch's arm upside down to get the blood rushing to his head. The moment Izuku walked in, Sakaki slouched down to the ground

"Heeeeyyyyy therapist," Sakaki twiddled his fingers in a friendly wave from the floor. "I need to talk to you. Can I have my session?"

"Okay..?" Izuku replied, still a bit shocked at the suddenness of his request. He was more worried about how long the other was hanging upside down. Sakaki stumbled on his feet, using the couch to support himself so he could stand up. He walked past him to make it to the office first with Izuku following behind him.


Izuku clinked his pen and looked up to Sakaki who was looking around his office curiously. "Are you more comfortable with Sakaki-Kun or Deidoro-Kun? Or would you like a nickname for me to call you?"

"Uh, Sakaki. It sounds like sake," Deidoro replied with a slight slur to his words. He coughed while Izuku readied his notebook to take down any notes.

"Alright, you can begin anytime you are ready."

Deidoro sucked in air through his teeth. He steadied himself to focus on his words, "I guess I should start at the beginning or at least how much I can remember."

"Uh, I had no male presence in my life, if you couldn't guess," he joked. "I think he dipped when ma told him she was pregnant. I never saw my grandparents, so I assume that they weren't part of the picture. Anyway, she wasn't exactly thrilled with the situation of having to deal with a son with a waitress job and no help from anyone."

Deidoro narrowed his eyes, "From what I remember, she was struggling, but she was a relatively good mother. Until she started struggling with keeping her job and having to take more shifts. She started to drink when I was like four..five? Four or something."

"What happens when your quirk came in?" Izuku asked, scribbling down in his notebook. The sounds of the pen scratching against the paper filled the short amount of silence before Deidoro continued with his story.

"She didn't care that much since it was similar to my biological father's quirk. But then she realized that my quirk meant that I could basically get her drunk without her having to buy any more cheap alcohol to chase a buzz," Deidoro pointed to him. "You see where I'm going? My quirk was amazing suddenly because according to her since she 'didn't have to spend any more money'."

"But the downside of it is, I felt kind of tipsy since I got it," Deidoro looked up to the ceiling. He opened and closed his hands, touching his fingertips to the tip of his thumb. "I was stumbling into things sometimes and having to cling onto whatever I could to keep myself from falling on my face. My legs just felt shaky most of the time. It happened most of the time after I used it on her since it would just make me super duper clumsy"

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