Midoriya Introduces Himself

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"So you are leaving next week to begin the new reform?" Tenko asked while Yuki sat obediently by his feet.

The former league of villains was all sitting together with Izuku in Inko's living room. Inko prepared some tea with Kurogiri before sitting with the group next to her son. She drank some of her herbal tea as the conversation continued.

"Yep, I have to get a head start with the cleaning and decorating. All the rooms are already painted, and now I just have to make sure everything is just right for their arrival," Izuku commented while he wrote down some items he still needed to get in order to prepare the new house. He kept wondering what certain items could work better with the members based on their profile that he was given. Maybe Soramitsu could have cookbooks in his room? I feel like he could be a good food tester.

Apparently, the yakuza group would be staying in a new house around the same location as the other one. Izuku doesn't really understand the reason except for the fact that they needed a different structure to house all the members inside.

Magne twirled the promise ring on her finger as she replied, "Damn. When you are describing this, I just can't help but reminisce that you did the same for us when we didn't even know."

"I could kind of guess it was sort of personalized when I noticed how dark my room was compared to Togas's since she showed me hers. I didn't know how personalized it was until Kurogiri told us that you did it all," Touya responded, fiddling with his feather necklace. He was dressed more monotone than others in his black windbreaker, stone grey jeans, and ash black boots. The only color he had was the red feather that looked even more bright against his white shirt.

Himiko's long blonde hair swished around her shoulder as she turned to Touya. "Oh yeah! I still love what you did with my old room in that house. I even did a replica of the blood drips with some resin to hang in my new room."

"Oh, Himiko. How is the business going?" Iguchi asked from his seat. He wore his favorite worn down jean jacket with a handmade button that his karate class kids had made for him. So what if it was him dressed like a splinter from the teenage mutant ninja turtles? His purple hair was cut short a while ago and was beginning to grow slowly back to its original length.

"Pretty good. I have been getting commissions mostly from cute horror fans that like plushies I did a while ago. But I gotta say, the furries pay more nicely than any of my other customers," Himiko answered back honestly. Her red leather jacket worked well with the rest of her cute outfit from the cartoon syringe in her shirt to the reddish link high tops she was wearing in her feet.

"That's good news!" Izuku congratulated Himiko. Izuku turned his attention back to his notebook to write one more thing down before turning to Sato. "And have you gotten any more news about the theater?"

"Oh well. They are still working on adapting some sets to the script I wrote. The manager is working with me on how to really portray it through the works of the actors. A lot of things need to be finished in order for it to happen. But trust me, the project won't be ready until after you finish with the reform group you have now," Sako responded. Sako no longer wore a mask as he used to long ago, and his brown hair was now a bit longer than his normal short style.

Kumogiri hummed after he sipped from his own teacup. "I wish you luck with this new group since they were quite... difficult to deal with."

"They were fucking dicks," Jin grumbled in his seat with his arms crossed. The gray sweater that the grandmother that Himiko and Jin were renting from had actually knit him that sweater as a gift.

Kumogiri passed before continuing, "...but I have no doubt that you can handle them, Izuku."

Tenko nodded from his seat, "I bet it will take less than four months."

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