One Year Later

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One Year after the Yakuza Reform

Midoriya walked up to the cafe that opened up a few months ago. The Secret Cave. He smiled when he could see the cool blue light reflected from Hojo's crystals.

He walked inside of Tabe's personal cafe with a bright smile despite the closed sign on the front. Tabe specifically closed the cafe for two hours just for their special meeting time. Irinaka gave them all advice for starting up the cafe and Sako referred them to someone who got them the small building to use for it. And coincidentally, the cafe was located right near where Iguchi taught his karate class, so they would get a rush of kids in karate uniforms sometime after they practiced in class.

It wasn't like he was losing that much revenue since the cafe was extremely popular because of the unique underground cave design with Hojo's crystals used as decoration. It was also known to many people as a cafe that gives back by donating to the homeless shelters and giving meals to any homeless person living in the alley that needs a good meal.

He walked in to see trays of small dishes on the table with everyone sitting at the long table. Tabe smiled brightly as Sakaki slurped up the soup from his bowl enthusiastically.

"Hey! Welcome," Setsuno greeted with a sweep of his arm, gesturing to the empty seat next to him and Tengai. Setsuno worked at The Secret Cave along with his other two friends as a waiter, but he also helps out in the kitchen sometimes with Tabe to help grab something out of his hand when he was about to use the wrong ingredient.

Setsuno actually made a friend during the past year that he could count on that was separate from Hojo and Tabe. Setsuno and her became close when she kept visiting the diner they had worked at previously before working as a barista for Tabe. His friends refer to her 'Hot Chocolate Girl' since Setsuno hadn't even gotten her name until a month later. And even with the knowledge of her name, they both stick to nicknames from that fateful day they met. She even comes to perform at the Secret Cave sometimes since she was a self-employed singer that did gigs around town. He would be the most supportive fan of hers in any place.

Izuku excitedly sat down in his chair while his ears perked up at the ongoing discussion at the table.

"Magne's friend was so nice when she did the whole makeover," Sakaki said with a cheerful grin. "I had so many compliments that night. Nariko was having a blast there too since there were some people that made her a drag king."

"Remember when we all did it," Hojo reminded everyone at the table which made Chisaki groan and Kurono laugh at his misery.

Rikiya blinked tiredly, "Okay, I have to admit, I had no idea who won that night. I don't remember, I think I got blackout drunk."

"Sorry," Sakaki apologized with a vocal fry at the end.

Sakaki still works with Nariko as a rock climbing instructor, he has gotten better at safety after months of practice. Nariko and him rebuilt their already strong friendship after years of having no contact. And his relationship with his mother was better than before.

Hojo started working during morning shifts as a host that would guide people to their tables and a waiter who would get people their drinks and refill them when he passed by. During the evening, he would package any orders he had gotten that he needed to fulfill. Toga remained his most loyal customer, but that might just be because of the discount he gives exclusively to her by helping him with his business.

"I think it was a three way tie between Nemoto, Kurono and Chisaki. At least that's who looked the best from my recollection," Tabe said.

Sakaki clutched at his nonexistent pearls, "I beg to differ. I think I was the hottest one out of everyone."

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