Ch-20 The Half-Blood Goddess

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If I say we were not screwed, it would be an understatement. We were stuck in a labyrinth with an unconscious Arjun and 18 injured people, including me. I couldn't believe at first from what I saw, but now if I think about it, Mevaratnam we faced before was just a baby throwing tantrums in front of the guy we faced then. He was not wearing any funny costume. He was looking like an overwhelming eccentric, having Manav like beliefs, Nitin like cunningness, Arjun like power and some Priest like dressing sense. Also, Arjun decided to become the angel from a devil. Heck with his absurd views!! One more thing I want to tell so badly, but I can't.

I don't know why the freaking hell this author loves going back in time.
Cope with it, humans!!


Four hours ago-

I was yanking my ass over the cascading path towards the Duck and the princesses. Arjun was in his own world, trying to keep up his pace with our movements. With the help of my Echolocation, we were moving in by different paths and in different formation.

After doing 3 days continuous research about Coordinated efforts and Unique roles, we decided to have some specific positions to give their best. First of all, Commanders to lead both the teams. I first thought about having a mess for it but, everybody agreed about making Arjun and Manav as the Commanders, just for the sake of their names of course. Arjun was more of a procrastinator, the entire time. Manav was clearly fond of breaking the myth that he is weaker than Arjun (well we all were thinking the same now including Arjun himself). Manav was bending the space itself by using teleportation. Well, it really used to take a toll on him to use it many times for short distances during the practice session we did. While Arjun continuously was spacing out, I was wondering what worse could happen if Manav actually is The One.

Yeah, I am using the word author. Chosen One. The One.


Well, there were so many countries and there was quite less probability that The One is from India but damn who cares?! I just wanted a spot on those world leaders and rule, to show how a girl can rule something without any damn bother of any damn male. Well, still I hoped my friends will remain alongside me, wherever I go. Also, I was missing something at that time. I tried a lot to think about what, but nothing came up to me.

"If it comes to a situation in which you have to choose between 'your friends' or 'rule the world', what will you choose, Miss fantabulous?"

Suddenly while walking, I heard a girl's voice reciting this from just behind me. There was a whole army of people behind me but this voice seems whispering in my ears. I turned around immediately after recovering to see there was no one at all behind me, or around me. Well, the major shock was something else. There was literally no one behind me. No people, No friends, not a single damn one. I started shouting.

"No jokes or pranks right now, Arjun. Just show yourselves you morons. We don't have time for any shit like that." I waited for a minute but nobody answered.

I started getting tense. My nerves were telling me to hide or to run, really far away from here. My body started to stiffen and my eyes droopy.

"I thought you are much determined than this." I heard the girl again.

That was the time I finally realized what was happening. The girl was playing with my mind. The voice was actually coming from inside my head.

Telepathy?! Dang It is getting more screwed up every single time..

"I refuse to believe that you are a ghost, so whatever strong illusions you are using, just show yourself or be doomed by the echoes of the deepest pits of hell."

I gathered my aura, charging every cell of my body to shake the ground and the clouds. There was no getting away from this, and I was sure this person is no ordinary being. Telepathy was something Arjun or Manav, both couldn't pull off. Diksha was all scientific for it, talking about brain waves frequency.

"Oh! Now you are trying to be powerful and thoughtful combo personality too. I am getting overwhelmed by such strong determination. I won't cry, well actually I can't even if I want to. I can relate to this. Well, the gender discrimination is not a new thing in the universe."

I was literally confused by now. There was no getting around and also, reasons not to talk with this girl. I held my nerves calm and straightened my posture, smiled like my real self, and said," I can't see where this is going. I am perfectly fine, being a dumb, goofy, weak girl, and I am really proud of being one. Yes, I need a boy to protect my charm from the bad guys. It's really some heinous discrimination for you, but you know what, there are girls like me who want to be protected, and it's nothing bad to be a cliché girl when you already are a badass bitch."

After an awkward moment of silence, she giggled like some sweet teenager girl trying to retaliate slowly.

"Wow. No wonder why Arjun is stuck on you, badass bitch! Literally the most amazing dialogue I have ever heard. Kudos to you."

She was still giggling, while I was thinking how the awkward silence was better.

Underrated sarcasm
Overrated girl.. duh-

"Alright, drama is over. I should introduce myself. My name is Asma. You are in a subconscious state where I am controlling your body movements right now. You are in your mind, to be exact. There is more to tell, but it's not the time."

"It's never the time, is it? What do you want?" I tried to make something with full force, but there was no budge at all.

"We are in your mind, not in Nirvana where you can use those Godly powers. Don't fear me. I am just a friend, kind of. I won't hurt you, that's for sure! I am just here to inform you what you really are. You are someone who will change the present completely, and will mould the future. You are The One."

Damn my brain cells!!

"What the holy heck are you talking about? If you know Arjun, you should also know how weak I am, only if we compare in power levels of course."

I am so done with all this telepathy shit and now this, I need a Red Bull.

"Well you can materialize one after getting your control back; you know I can listen your thoughts as they actually are echoing throughout this place, right? Oh well still, you can't listen your thoughts because they are just yours. It's confusing, but you will get used to it, at least I hope so." She continued her rambling.

"Whatever you are trying to sell here, it's not gonna work. Take your ass away from here before I blast your ears off." Suddenly, I got an idea to get rid of her rambling.

"You know you can't materialize anything here. It's you, just-"

I thought about the loudest song I have ever heard (Unravel) and played it in my mind, and imagined playing it in my thoughts, my consciousness. I couldn't hear anything as she told me, but she stopped talking, giving me the sign that she is currently trying to stop her ears from bursting. I started laughing.

"Who is the boss now, miss Asma?" I smirked while waiting for her answer as I stopped the speakers.

"You really have got some guts to do this, don't you?"

Suddenly, it all became too silent, like I couldn't hear anything. I tried to speak but I couldn't hear my voice either. I tried to shout, scream my lungs out but couldn't hear anything. Then, a laughter, but this time, it started piercing through my ears. I tried to low it by covering my ears but it was of no use. I saw my hands getting bloody. Pain was continuously rising and I wanted to kill that laughing bitch which I even couldn't see.

"Diya! Wake up dummy! We don't have time for a sweet little nap. Hey, I am worried wake up!" Arjun's voice echoed around me, covering the laughter. His voice had always been sweet, but now I just wished to cry under his embrace.

"Time to wake up, dummy!" Laughing stopped.

Asma's words were the last thing I remember after waking up to shaking ground and burning clouds; Arjun standing tall with some other people in front of me. My body had some bruises too, but Arjun and other people were just on the brim to lose consciousness.

"So, at last you decided to wake up. You got me a lot of trouble this time, bitch. I swear to myself I am not going to do this agai-" Arjun collapsed while I start looking for vital signs.

He was breathing really slow. There were wounds all over his body, while a man with toe-long robe was standing on a cloud, smiling at us. It was Mevaratnam, with his new looks, and new powers.

"Look, somebody finally woke up. Thank you sweety, that it was way easier than I thought to defeat this so called "The One". I targeted you, he defended you. It was just an easy plan that worked all the way. My holy brain had it all planned, and it worked!"

The girl who saved Arjun from falling back then 3 days ago suddenly materialized beside Mevaratnam.

"Meet the girl who leaded the play from the back all the time, Asma Sheikh."

She giggled. I was too shocked to process all this, but there was too much to think at that moment. I decided to find a way to run away from here first of all. I started materializing Sniper Guns all around the area in remaining bushes and trees.

"I know you have many questions, like who am I really? Who was the weaker one before? How Asma got so much power than you people when the power levels show different things? Well, everything was my plan! We are the real people who deserve the power, but you, just normal humans were invited to compete with us, the children of Gods!!"

He blasted some fireballs and fired them to people around me with such speed my eyes couldn't follow. They all couldn't defend themselves and got unconscious or eliminated.

"We had this power long before you people. We were always different but sometimes, our mother or sometimes, our father kept our mouths shut. There were some people among us who supported you, humans too but now, there is no stopping to us. We are the ones who practiced our powers day and night, Arjun is just a human, Nitin is just a human, but Asma got to know something special about you."

He started coming closer to me, every look at his face confirmed my death. I was ready too, with a not-so-fit plan.

"You, Diya Sharma, is not a human. You are also like us; you are the Half-Blood Goddess."

I couldn't help, but smirked.

"Hell I am Cold-Blooded Demon."

I bounced off by materializing a high-base speaker underneath my already-hurting ass with Arjun in my arms with the help of Anti-Gravity Clothes. All Snipers started to fire the whole area with no recoil or reloading. Both Mevaratnam and Asma had to defend themselves while I made more of those speakers and fired all people in the sky with me. With the help of more conscious people, I created some hoverboards and ran away as fast as possible.

With hundreds of questions and thousands of doubts, I messaged Nitin about the situation in short.

We resided in a cave, and now coming back to present, here I was, just thinking what resides in the sophisticated body of mine.

How did we forget about how a girl saved Arjun, and just disappeared, from our minds too?!

Also, I knew we were missing something or someone. Where's Risha?!

Alsoo, who the hell among my parents had sex with a God for fu**in sakes?!?!

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