Ch-10 A Tyrant and some monsters

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I was standing alone in the dark forest, waiting for my brother to return. Luckily, I found my teammates way faster than anyone else we encountered. We had to eliminate them for less competition. Then, the fictional war eliminated many powerful opponents but my silly brother also got involved in that silly war and got eliminated by silly those princesses.

From spiderman to superman, everybody was fighting like total maniacs.
We were watching from far distance because of my brother but I was kinda... enjoying it.

Don't get the wrong idea. I have not always been a sucker for action but someone certain changed me. That bastard friend of mine, Arjun Agarwal.

Oh oh.. If you are thinking why the hell I can talk to you.
Well, things will get more weird as this author here is weird as hell.
Hey damn author is scolding me now.
Well no jokes, I can talk to you as I am the DEADPOOL here.
And Arjun is...
Kinda BATMAN..

Anyways, where was I??

Oh yeah..

I couldn't believe what kind of man keep him guarded by women. Also, the women were protecting him as if they are in debt of him.

I hate this kind of men.

Princesses were also very powerful. Neelam, Arjun's lovely sis ( Understand my sarcasm ) was also among them.

"When Arjun finds out that you made alliance with anyone, you will be doomed."

I shouted with all my strength on my massive loudspeaker in the middle of the damn war. It reached her ears surely as she let her guard down, but suddenly, she came to senses and became more furious than the time I spilled Appy fizz on her dress at the annual dance competition.

She almost pierced me with her hairclip!!

I loved her like Arjun. He was so possessive to her that even their parents used to let them talk to each other anytime. He hated to show his love for her to anyone and I knew he would never show that in the future also.

He just showed his love for some people, and as I reconciled the past again, I saw them leaving Arjun alone.
I broke that man's trust who loved me like neither anyone did in my life. But situation changed me. Not only me, but others too.

We didn't know what happened with him, but in that time, everyone, including who he loved the most, presumably more than me, also left him or better saying, he left her.

I didn't know anything about what really happened, but I certainly knew one thing, he was missing his babes.

Anyways, where was I ........

Uhmmmm... ( Awkward ) ( '^_^ )

Yep yep..

I was waiting for my cousin silly brother, Ajay. He left me in a smelly cave and went outside to search for her sister, our 4th teammate.

I have to fight with that bull type monster (minotaur) who lived in that cave. It had long horns, beady black eyes and menacing face, with a height of least 9 foot and the smell coming from him was bad enough to make me unconscious. It was easy to shoo him away as I had my speakers with me. He ran away because of the high frequency sound waves it made.
My father was a specialist of electrical items. So, I got such information from him every day we spent together till his death so that I can easily make any electrical item here.

It seemed my CP was also high as I can easily change the features of sound from relaxing and charming to infuriating and devastating.

My knowledge of biology gave me information about the weakness of the opponent and my brother and I attacked at that particular weakness from the first hour of this round.
I also made a google lens like device for both of us and stored the memory of all the creatures here by looking at all the information on the screen.

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