Prologue-The Reality

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Location: On the pilgrim at the centre of the universe.


Every single one, all are destroyed by this, piece of shit.

My ears are rummaging and my head is throbbing.


I am hardly breathing now. Everyone is gone. I have nothing to lose now, but am I really doing the right thing?

I am losing everything in this final fight, but is it really the final fight?

Is this selfish world really worthy of peace after all that has transpired due to them?

My friends, my family, I sacrificed everything including myself, but is it really worth it?

What if I have to face another fight?

What if I am really wrong and all those shitheads I have ever faced are right?

Then what?

I was just a good 17 year old boy and now I am here, at the brink of becoming what I didn't want to become.

I wanted a normal life, but I am shattering reality itself.

Is it normal?

I just want to go home and eat some cheeseburgers, watch T.V and live normally, I just want a good simple life now.

What should I do?


Arjun, I never expected to see you like this.

Shrama, are you using telepathy?

Yes, I am. Why are you holding yourself back? Why are you trying to controlling your anger at this time?

Shrama I am losing everything. I am losing my everything.
After becoming this powerful, I am still losing. 
I don't want to lose my sanity too.

So what, have you ever won something in your first try? Arjun, you are my disciple and my disciples never give up. Have you forgotten him?


The one who you can't see.. His personal favorite quote, "Never give up". Did you forget it?

Shaking my head I could help but smile through the tears at our inside jokeYou will never change, Shrama.

Then what were you doing by thinking about Cheeseburger at this time? This is the only thing you have ever taught me. Joking in every damn situation, to control our sanity. If you become insane, the whole world will-

I know I know, Guru. I am facing reality itself. What do you expect from me, you self proclaimed guru of mine?

Arjun, listen to me. Those sacrifices your loved ones gave were for you and the peace of the world which is your dream. Don't let their sacrifices go down the drain. Go and teach that pothole how to be real, and stop calling him "reality".

He is mortal like us which can be defeated and having the control on reality doesn't change this.

Break his arrogance and show what you are.

We are watching you.

We all are watching you.

Guru Shrama, I will try my best. This time, I will be alone facing him. I will claim what is mine and make my selfish world a better place to live.

For you, for them

I will defeat him

I will defeat...



Once upon a time, The Gods were finally able to defeat The Demons, wiping their existence this time. The Gods knew that if The Demons vanished, the balance of the entire universe will be in vain. Nevertheless, they wiped out all the evil from the reality realm.

Some just wanted to be superior --

Some wanted to have peaceful life --

Some wanted revenge --

And some -- some were trying to get rid of their former partners in crime.

The Gods who were opposing to do this, couldn't stop them. So they went to The Superior.

The Superior god tried to put some knowledge into them, tried everything he can do but it was also of no use because the democracy made The Gods more powerful than The Superior.

Then, the time came.
Not a single evil remained in the reality realm.
Demons and Fallen Angels, every single one of them were killed.

Gods also lost many of their loved ones.
They were finally able to conquer everything.

But the truth started to reveal itself ----

Among the Gods, the evil started to gain consciousness. They started to show their true self. The Balance started to get even again.

The Evil self of the Gods started to destroy every single entity existing.

Reality realm was being destroyed by the Gods themselves.

The remaining Gods finally realised their mistake and went to The One Above All.

The Superior god couldn't stop it as he himself made a rule that A God couldn't kill a God. Talking to them made things worse.

So he decided to make someone who can stop them. The one who can put some sense into them. The one who can fight with them without any restrain. The one who can change the present and the future. The one who is neither good nor evil, but who can alone give balance to the falling reality realm.

He decided to make the all powerful entity.

He decided to make..



Author's note:

               ......RUB A DUB......

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